450 Word Essay Examples

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How technology may harm children?
...This doesn't mean that children shouldn't have entertainment at all by not letting them watch television. It is important to set limits. When these limits are crossed, there can be a lot of negative effects of television on children. Poor health, los...
Dystopian novels clearly convey how humanity and individualism is
...Opposing to this, characters in 'The Road' are allowed to have individual thoughts; which has led the world to become the way it is. However, the man and the boy appear to have a different view from other characters - t...
No matter where we are in the world no matter what culture
...Natural selection can be explained as one of the basic mechanisms of evolution wherein the "struggle for existence" will favor individuals with advantageous variations. These traits are inherited by offspring and passed down through generations. Firs...
When I was five years old a dog on my grandmother’s dairy
...Medicine is much more than an applied science. Although being an introductory chemistry tutor fostered my interest in pharmaceuticals, I learned it took more than knowledge of molecular orbitals to help other students. Alison, one of my tutees, was d...
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