Lottie Moon: A Trailblazing Missionary in China

Lottie Moon sent a letter home in a desperate hope to reach an organization that could fund new missionaries. She had already saved so many people but she knew that more missionaries were needed in order to reach every home in China. Receiving bad news, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Lottie Moon was an incredible missionary who helped save many lives of the people in China through her beliefs.

Lottie Moon grew up spending a lot of time in church.

She was never interested in her family's religion as a child though. She has once seen two christians having an argument at a church and that had caused her to hate christianity. She had always hated the way she had to behave at her father's church. Lottie thought that a person's main focus should be living an extraordinary life. She felt like she was being held back from her freedom. It wasn't until age 18 that she became saved after attending church with her friends and found her admiration of the gospel.

When Lottie Moon was 33 years old she was called home from her work as a teacher in Georgia because of her mother's illness, causing her to lose her job.

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Her sister was going to China to be a missionary and Lottie Moon wanted to as well. She talked to her sister about the possibility of going and felt that it would be a very good opportunity. She attended church the next day and at the end of the sermon, the preacher acknowledged that they needed young people to take the gospel of God to other lands.

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She felt that this was God's way of telling her she needed to travel to China, so that same year she boarded a train to California and set out on a boat all the way to China.

Many people were positively affected by Lotties determination to share the gospel. She would bake cookies for the kids while sharing God's word. The children grew to love her and so did their parents. She knew many people were needed to preach so after getting denied her request of helping to fund missionaries she decided to do it herself. "She started the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to help fund missionaries all over the world, and it's still in place today bringing in around 160 million dollars annually".

Through Lottie's amazing way of reaching, and connecting with the people of China she brought many people to Christ. By baking cookies for the children, she found a way to gain their trust and connect with them and their parents. Finding an amazing way to persuade more missionaries to come to China she had reached more people than she ever imagined. Her legacy still remains today inspiring missionaries and giving hope to China.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

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Lottie Moon: A Trailblazing Missionary in China. (2019, Nov 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/who-was-lottie-moon-essay

Lottie Moon: A Trailblazing Missionary in China essay
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