Family is the building foundation of who I am today for It

Categories: Parenting

Family is the building foundation of who I am today, for It has contributed immensely, and tirelessly to create who I stand to be today. To some certain extent family has engineered my becoming, and left some certain decision for me to take based on how it has brought me up, as family is a 'whole', not only comprising of my biological parent, siblings nor blood relation but all that has contributed to who I have turned out to be I regard as family.

Growing up into a family of a middle class parents as the fist male issue, I was brought up with a very great sense of responsibility as I will be the one carrying the families name, I was subjected to critical upbringing, with my parents making choice of words the used in communicating to me so as not let granting me any opportunity of generating the use of vulgar language.

My friends were a decision made by my parents, as a young kid I would think of them being mean to me, not allowing me associating myself with the people I found interesting, and fun to be with.

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I had many foods, with restrictions of consuming, with particular ones meant for my consumption. Playing was another factor, for me it had a cut of time through which it lasted with no extensions on the time, picking me up immediately after school activities, and I can recall from an occasion, which I joined some other kids to move outside the school premises so as to have some free time to have fun and play with each other and got carried away, moved quite a distance from the school environments, and not even any whereof it neighboring where we found, after some couple hours we where found only to realize the intense pressure we have put our parents into, I got punished along with the other kids in school and got grounded for a few weeks by my parent, and then I realized the reason for the immediate pick up I get after school, not for that I would have been a perpetual truant in school.

Nights are the best time, to watch TV shows, cartoons and so on, a fun time for most people, but I felt my parent did not make it so for me but a hell time, subjecting me to watching TV news at 9:00 pm, I asked my family where I would always have to ask this question repeatedly every night, 'why will have I have to watch the news every night', and I always got the same answer which particularly came from my father, 'so you will know what is happening around you'.

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If I was allowed to watch some TV shows after the 15minutes news I would have felt better, but what I hear immediately after the news was did you get the news? As soon as I answered yes, I was been asked to go to bed and have a good night rest, and a get a hug from everyone seated in the parlor.

My primary school was about a 30-minute drive, without traffic congestion from where I lived. So, I had an early morning rise, every morning which was about 5:30 AM. So, I could get to school early. This was a daily routine stress to me, as I thought, until I started to get up by my self until I started to wake up by myself as soon as it was 5:30 am every morning to get prepared for school, and grumbling to myself when I wake up about how my family made me that I was subjected undergo such stress and not letting me have a good rest, when I get to the bathroom and take my bath, my mother will always have to take me back into the bathroom to retake my bath and told me to wash my armpits, groin regions and ear thoroughly so as to keep dirt's off those parts, and would always follow me up to my room to ensure I properly cream my body, and not creaming some parts and letting patches on other parts.

I was always the first to wake up and prepare for school, as high school provided no slot for parents to come along and live with there wards, and guard them on how to carry on their daily assignments, punctuality almost became my nickname as my fellow students wondered how I do wake up so early and be the first in class before everyone else. I had received an award of the most punctual student in school the previous speech and prize-giving day, and then every other student in school looked at me to see how presentable I looked every day so as they could praise me or laugh at how I looked. But I was always clean and punctual.

It is of great interest to me that I was subjected to all of what I was subjected to, because all those contributed immensely to whom I have become today, waking up from bed early has helped immensely to my course in life, as I was thought by my parent 'early to bed, early to rise', this quote has impacted on me so much , that I am now a dependable truck to people around me.

Friends are peers, and the impact on their peers either negatively or positively, I would have been in the league of people who have made the wrong choice of peers to which I engage myself with, but while growing up as I stated above my parent have restricted and regulated the kind of people I associated with and thereby, driving me into making the right choice of peers, to which each and every one of them have greatly impacted positively with a mildly negative impact on me. If not for my family guardians and restrictions I would have been amongst one of the boys roaming aimlessly the streets.

Family is of great significance to me and have invested; time, money, pieces of advice and have been an epitome, to whom I have tuned out to be today, all of the illustrations and examples I have stated above are to show how the family has contributed to who I am today.


Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Family is the building foundation of who I am today for It essay
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