Research Paper Essay


What is a research paper essay?

Writing a good and convincing research paper essay is not easy for every student studying in a college or university. Most lack skill, experience, or even grammatical prowess all of which play a crucial role in producing a well-written research essay paper.

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There is a vast difference between an essay and a research paper. A research paper essay is a type of academic document that is to be created using an authentic and comprehensive approach to a topic with detailed interpretation. As a student, writing an essay might feel daunting, and no amount of time would be adequate to come up with a quality essay.

Research paper essays are not just a compilation of facts or information that students collect from different sources. They are a reflection of the creator’s viewpoint and should be able to present a strong argument on a particular point.

How to write a research paper essay?

Every essay writing expert carries a versatile approach towards writing which also tends to change based on the type of essay that is to be written. Here are some simple steps to creating flawless research paper essays that can help you score good marks.

Understanding the assignment

Research essays have certain guidelines and tasks that students have to adhere to while completing them. This is also a key difference between research paper and essay. It is very important to understand these tasks along with the assignment in its entirety, as completing the essay as per the professor’s guidelines is the easiest way to score points.

Plan your time very precisely. It helps you manage time and collect data from different sources, write your thoughts, and also have sufficient time to edit your essays research paper.

1. Picking a research topic

The outcome of a research paper essay depends massively on this point. Choosing the topic might seem like an easy job, but conversely, it requires a lot of thought to finalize a research paper essay subject.

There is more than one way to come up with a research essay topic. Brainstorming alone or with a friend using a pen or paper stands the easiest.

When brainstorming with a pen or a paper, you can write about a topic continuously for a few minutes. The chances of finding a great topic among these sessions are a lot more than conventional methods.

Alternatively, students can opt for gaining inspiration from other sources. Some essays have compelling discussions that students can use to draw ideas. They can also pick from topics that can be examined further, and new facts and findings can be added to them.

2. Conducting small research on the topic

Before you dive deep into the subject, ensure your topic has sufficient information and sources to refer to any issues or questions that might arise in the path ahead. You have to take note of the discussions that have relevance and seem important.

To avoid missing any important aspect, you can refer to numerous sources such as trusted websites, journals, and books written by subject experts.

3. Preparing a statement for your thesis

Thesis statements serve the purpose of defining the goal of your research paper and your views on it. It should be able to answer the very question which forms the base of your research paper essay. There has to be supporting evidence along with relevant reasoning to lend credibility to your answer.

Concise thesis statements are more impactful. Furthermore, it should justify that your paper has all the necessary evidence and analysis while relating to the last detail of the paper.

Arguable thesis means that it can be argued. It must either state or refute an argument about your topic. To be debateable, a thesis must have some possibility of being true. However, the thesis should not be universally accepted as true. Instead, it should be something that people can disagree with. A thesis can be both an observation or an opinion.

observation + opinion (the "why") = thesis

Seeing if your thesis creates a powerful antithesis is an excellent approach to determine how strong it is.

Common thesis pitfalls:

  • A thesis in the form of a fragment.
  • A thesis that is overly broad.
  • A thesis that is phrased as a question. (The thesis is usually derived from the solution to the question.)
  • Extraneous information is included in a thesis.
  • A thesis that begins with the words "I believe" or "In my opinion."

4. Creating an outline and writing the paper

With everything at the ready, it is time to start writing. Start by creating an outline. Arrange all the key facts, topics, evidence, and discussion with sections and headings. This will give you an idea of how your paper will look like.

A research paper essay outline will make it easier for you to write and also give you a direction. It is not necessary to write the introduction first; instead, start with a part that you feel is the easiest to complete. Ensure your writing has a steady momentum and you’re expressing your ideas as clearly as possible.

Research Paper Essay Examples

  • Research Article Analysis

Research Article Analysis

  • Toddler Observation Research Paper

Toddler Observation Research Paper

  • Science Fiction Research Paper

Science Fiction Research Paper

What is a research paper essay structure?

Structuring an essay is as important as writing it. Without a structure, an essay is just mere words and facts tied in a bunch. When you consider the facts in essay vs research paper, research paper essays have a different structuring process.

The typical structure of a research paper essay falls in the sequence of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussions. You can remember it easily with the abbreviation IMRAD.

The Introduction

The research paper essay introduction does not need to be a comprehensive review. The introduction should be creative and clear so that the author’s thoughts, logic, and background are expressed well.

The introduction should answer the questions like, what is the research essay question? And why is it important?

A small summary of your research essay with some of the key information can be included to incite interest. However, it is the clarity and entirety you need to take care of as you don’t want to leave the reader guessing or lost.


Another major difference that you can note in a research paper vs essay is — Method. Unlike normal essays that have a body part right after the introduction. Research paper essays have a method. This is one major difference between an essay and a research paper you need to keep in mind when writing.

As your professor examines your paper or a fellow junior reads it for reference, they will find the need to know the means and measure employed by you to gather the information. So your method section has to be concise, well-detailed, solid, and technical.

Students are required to describe the data collection methods, study setting, instruments, sampling technique, and analysis strategies in the method section. For qualitative research papers, you have to mention the tradition used while creating the essay. You will also have to show the link between your preference for methodical strategies and the target.


In this section, you have to mention only facts and information. Avoid adding anything that is not related to the topic. The results relating to the research question should be well detailed and include simple numbers and percentages. Furthermore, keep tables and non-essential results to a minimum. For instance, a stem cell research paper essay should have diagrams, tables, and numbers that are only related to the topic; you cannot write too much about reproduction or bone development.

Outline and format of research paper essay

As mentioned above, creating an outline makes writing the paper a lot easier. However, the outline’s utility is not just limited to that. The outline gives the reader an insight into how your essay progresses and how your argument unfolds.

Here’s a way to format your research paper essay and get it ready for submission.

  • Keep the thesis statement at the start of your essay.
  • List all the key points supporting your thesis statement and label them using Roman Numerals.
  • Make a list of ideas and arguments for all the key points. Use capital letters to label them.
  • If you have more to add to your research paper, continue to divide each idea into sub-topics and keep doing it till you have a complete outline.

While formatting your content, you need to cite the sources that have been used to gather or extract information.

Do you need a research paper essay sample? You’re at the right place

Stressing hard about how to proceed with your research paper? There are countless well-written research paper essay examples that you can try or refer to. Find research essays samples for all kinds of categories and gain access to them without paying a single cent. A Research paper essay example is detailed to the finest point, and it can help you create a flawless and impressive research paper essay.

Also, check out the research paper essay topics

Finalizing a topic for a research essay paper can be difficult and confusing. Most students get nervous thinking of the amount of time and effort they will have to put in to gather information and whether the research essay will get them the score they are expecting.

You might have narrowed your choices to a few best-suited topics, but then comes the hard part of finding information about them. You will have to read and go through a lot of websites and information pieces to get credible information.

For instance, an essay on immigration research paper might seem easy, but the various opinions and viewpoints could make it difficult for you. On the contrary, choosing topics like paying college athletes essay research paper could be appealing to only a few.

The time and hard work required to complete the research paper essay also depend on the kind of topic you choose. A piece of advice for first-timers; choose a topic you would enjoy. Get confirmation or advice about the topic you have chosen.

Here are some topics that you can use for your research paper essay:

  • Is Veganism a way to protect the environment?
  • How anime garnered a massive global following by keeping up with time?
  • The impact Nikola Tesla’s creations have made on the modern world
  • Examining the generation gap created by technology
  • Taking a deeper look into the impact of a religious cult
  • The story behind the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.
  • Most effective prison reforms throughout history
  • What has caused the divorce rates to change over time?
  • Are same-sex classrooms more effective in education?
  • Which comics are funny and educational?
  • No government support vs. fairness to parents who pay twice for education
  • Separation of church and state vs. religion’s contribution to the public good
  • Placement by age vs. placement by academic ability
  • Mainstreaming students with disabilities vs. special classrooms for their special needs
  • Required standardized tests for advancement vs. course requirements only
  • National standardized tests vs. local control of education
  • Discrimination in education
  • Multicultural/bilingual education vs. traditional basics
  • Teacher competency tests vs. degree requirements only
  • Teacher’s needs/demands vs. teaching as a service profession
  • Policing schools
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • What makes one sport more accepted than another?
  • How would the world be different without the discoveries of Albert Einstein?
  • Rise of anime; what made anime admired worldwide?
  • Is the traditional music of a country foremost than the international music that is popular around the world?
  • What causes people to change their leisure time activities as they get older?
  • What is the best way to deal with procrastination?
  • How different are friendships between men from friendships between women, and why?
  • Can amusement parks have an educational motive aside from an entertaining one?
  • What things make people in your country happy?
  • What are the pros and cons of plastic surgery?
  • How to prevent a rise in the number of homeless children?
  • How to reduce global warming?

Any topic you choose is bound to create a difference in opinion when you present it. Because some of the topics have a controversial undertone and shed light on the serious issues that are breeding in society.

Research paper essays enable students to bring forth information and facts that are normally ignored or forgotten. If students learn how to write research essay papers well, it can open many career options for them.

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