Literature research paper Ancient India the Vedic Period

Categories: IndiaPeriodResearch

The study of the literature provides a peek into the timeframe during the period 1500BC to 500 BC. This period in the Ancient Indian history has been regarded as Vedic period which is the time when Vedic Sanskrit texts were composed in India. The society and civilization which evolved during that time has been known as Vedic civilization which flourished on the Indo-Gangetic plains of the Indian subcontinent. Vedic literature is of paramount importance in the understanding of the social, economic and religious flavors of India.

Among all modern Indian philosophic systems the Vedic tradition is the foremost.

It has been recognized as the sound platform on which the pillars of Hinduism has evolved. Vedic literature has an infallible reputation for the evolution of Hindu orthodoxy, and is composed of three classes: the collection of hymns, incantations and sacrificial formulas. These are the first tentative Indian philosophy. (Navone, 1956). The Vedic Literature can be classified as the basis for the Hindu Vedic civilization.

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They are classified into several chronological branches.

Rig Veda is considered the oldest of the text and consists of many elements which have common thread with the Indo-Iranian texts both in language and content. Such similarity does not exist in reference to any other text. (Vedic Age)This is followed by the “Brahamanas” or theological prose testimonials; the “Aranyakas,” containing the meditations of the woodland hermits and the “Upanishads” the secret doctrines. (Navone, 1956). These are the first tentative Indian philosophy which has been the foundation for later development of the values and the beliefs of Hinduism through ages.

The depth of context and content provided by the Vedic literature has attracted great explorers and later missionaries to rediscover the essence of India during the Vedic period.

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The true scientific knowledge of India became available when the study of Sanskrit and other ancient languages was first undertaken. Rigveda forms the backbone of the Hinduism and the compositions of this time has great impact on the society and the culture of the time. The political units were divided into three segments and the heads were appointed for each segment.

The three segments were ruled by Rashtra and the head of the state was considered Rajan or the King. It was a democratic system where the King ruled with the consent and the approval. The King was in charge of the protection and justice of the citizens. The society and economy evolved where agriculture flourished and the cows and bulls held important sacrificial significance. The caste system evolved and marriage rules became strict and families evolved as patriarchal where the birth of the son was considered significant. Religion evolved with great emphasis on worship.

Rishi’s , composers of hymns were considered divine. Yoga and Vedanta became the basic elements of religion. People worshiped the elements of nature Sun, Moon , Wind, Rain, Dawn and Earth. The greatest exponent of Vedanta was Shankracharya, he referred to a definite system and defined doctrines differentiating from the other similar systems. The most radical divergence of Vedanta was its teaching that the world originated from a single principle. (Navone, 1956).


Navone, J. J. , S. J.. Sankara and the Vedic Tradition . 1956.Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 248-255 Published by: International Phenomenological Society. Jstor. http://www. jstor. org/stable/2104222? &Search=yes&term=Period&term=Ancient&term=Vedic&term=India&list=hide&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DAncient%2BIndia%2BVedic%2BPeriod%26wc%3Don%26dc%3DAll%2BDisciplines&item=19&ttl=3025&returnArticleService=showArticle. Accessed on 24-2-2009. Vedic Age, Cultural India, Cultural India . net; Accessed on 24-2-2009, http://www. culturalindia. net/indian-history/ancient-india/vedic-civilization. html

Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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