Paul's Three Missionary Journeys

The Apostle Paul had a great influence on the spread on Christianity not only through his letters but through his missionary journeys as well. Paul, who’s Roman name was Saul, was born to Jewish parents in Tarsus, Cilcia which is present day Turkey in 3 AD. Paul’s parents belonged to the party of the Pharisees who where known for their dedication to Roman law and opposition of Jesus and His teachings. Just like his parents, Paul, was opposed to Jesus’ teachings.

It was not until after his earlier travels and upon the return to Damascus that Paul began to accept the new Christian religion.

Paul came to Damascus to arrest a group of Christians. During his time in Damasus, Paul was stuck to the ground and blinded by a heavenly light. The Bible states "Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. But they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus.

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And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank. "(Acts 8:9) This was Paul’s spriritual revelation and he soon coverted to Christanity. Paul was the name given to Saul upon his baptism. Paul then began his traveling missions preaching about Christ. This paper will describe three of Paul’s most important missions.

First Missionary Journey Paul began his first missionary in the town of Antioch is Syria. Paul was accompanied by Barnabas and John Mark. The group traveled from Syria to Cyprus, then from Pisidia and Galatia spreading Jesus’ word.

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However, the words of Paul and Barnabas were not always received with open arms. Although many Gentiles and non-Jews accepted Jesus words, many Jews were angry about the teachings of salvation through Jesus Christ. Paul and Barnabus lives were constantly threatened throughout their travels. John Mark eventually left them and returned to Jerusalem. Paul preached about salvation through

Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins which was contrary to Jewish law. His sermons caused an uproar which caused Paul and Barnabus, by the conviction of Antioch and Iconium leaders, to be declared trouble-makers and expelled from the city. It was in Lystra where the Paul healed a cripple person. It was also the location where Paul was stoned and left for dead. After such an event, Paul and Barnabus had no choice but to end there first mission (Harpur & Braybrooke, 1998). Second Missionary Journey At the start of the second missionary journey Paul set out to revisit the Christian centers that he had created on his first missionary journey.

However, Barnabus would not accompany him because of a disagreement between the two. Barnabus wanted John mark to travel with them on the second journey. Paul did not think this idea was wise because of John Mark’s desertion on the first journey (“Saint Paul“, 2010). Paul instead, accompanied by the disciple Silas, left for Antioch. Two churches were founded duting Paul’s visits to Philippi and Salonica. Paul also gave his sermon in the market about the “unknown god”.

They later sailed to Athens where Paul delivered his famous address on the "unknown god" in the market (Acts 17. 16–34. After leaving, Athens Paul traveled to Corinth, where he wrote First and Second Thessalonians in A. D. 52. Some scholars also believe that it was during this time that he wrote the letter to the Galations which is thought to be the earliest of the Epistles (“Saint Paul“). Third Missionary Journey Paul’s third missionary journey began in Galatia. Once again he revisits the places of his prior journeys. From Galatia he traveled to Phrygia and then to Ephesus. During his time in Ephesus he wrote two letters to the Corinthians. Later, during his travel to Corinth he wrote the Epistle to the Romans.

Paul eventually returned to Ephesus and then to Jerusalem (“Saint Paul“, 2010). It was in Jerusalem where Paul was finally arrested for bringing a Gentile into a forbidden part of the Jewish temple (Harpur & Braybrooke, 1998). Conclusion Paul went on several other journeys after his imprisonment in Rome including the epistles of Hebrews, Titus, First Timothy, and Second Timothy. First Timothy was written around 64 A. D. after his imprisonnment. Second Timothy was during Paul’s second imprisonment which was before Paul’s death in 67 A. D. This would be the last epistle that Paul ever wrote.


  • Harpur, J. , & Braybrooke, M. (1998). The Collegeville atlas of the Bible. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press. Life Application Study Bible (1997). Grand Rapids, MI: Tyndale House. Saint Paul. (2010).
  • In Columbia University Press (Ed. ), Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
  • Retrieved November 19, 2010, from http://web. ebscohost. com.
Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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