Introduction of Automobiles

Categories: Technology

The introduction of automobiles in the early 1900's played a major role in the development of nations across the world. The world all the way would have been a different place to survive without vehicles. Automobiles have made life so facile, for people can travel to any place within a short span of time. Ever since the introduction, modern technologies have shaped the transportation modes and have made it compatible and efficient for users. 'Automobile Engineering' has always provided a platform for ardent and desirous engineers to build and overhaul vehicles that meet the needs of the people and the surrounding.

Owing maximal dignity to the course and the university, I inscribe this letter of motivation.

I marked myself with a fondness for automobiles from when I was young. Thenceforward, I became inquisitive about the technological aspects of automobiles. This profound passion thus led to analyzing, understanding and interpreting the functioning of automobiles, starting from helping my father fix his car.

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Also, frequent visits to nearby vehicle service stations helped acquire ample knowledge about the basics in automobiles. Therefore, the above traits and avidity to acquire abundant knowledge persuaded me to choose "Automobile Engineering."

As a result of a connate passion for automobiles and extraordinary performance in the Karnataka common entrance test, I was amongst the very few who secured a seat in 'Automobile Engineering' at the renowned Malnad College of Engineering. I have been exposed to numerous core subjects like Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Automobile Engines and Systems, Engine Combustion and Emissions, Control Engineering, Automotive Chassis and Suspension, Automotive Component Design, Kinematics of Machinery, Finite Element Analysis, etc., during my undergraduate program and they have enhanced my knowledge in the field of Automobile Engineering.

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In addition, frequent visits to industries kept me updated to the latest technologies introduced and also provided a chance to take a close look at how industries functioned. As a part of my academic curriculum, I underwent a 15 days internship program for both two-wheeler (Honda) and four-wheeler vehicles (Maruti Suzuki). Here, I got to work in the service and maintenance sector. This, in turn, helped me gain hands-on experience and understand the technical aspects of the vehicles. My concerns for practically aided learning techniques have always helped me attain good marks in practical labs.

During my final year of B.E. Automobile Engineering, I worked on a project titled "Comparative Study of the Performance and Emission Characteristics of the Four-Stroke Gasoline Engine under various blends with Bio-Lubricants" sponsored by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The aim of the project was to lower the usage of petroleum-based oils, which had negative impacts on the environment and reducing emission rates. Positive results were attained at the completion of the project, and it was amongst the very few projects which got selected for competing in the state-level competition.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Introduction of Automobiles. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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