Helping the Needy

Remember those precious moments of sitting around and trying to comfort; hearing the soothing, slow, and experienced voices. It is time consuming to sit and hear such stories, but a smile spills acrossed your face as you listen to their never ending stories, sometimes it is the same story that you heard yesterday or an hour ago. Each time you attempt to talk your words are abruptly cut off and the story continues. Some are filled with wisdom others too delirious to take serious.

With time, listening and helping them, a bond of friendship is made.

The days seem to go by fast and your friendship becomes stronger as you spend each day serving these types of people, and sharing experience with them as well. In one day it all comes to an end, they are no longer there to be assisted. Life appears to be like that in the every average day at the Avalon Care center. In a training session from Avalon Care Center Annie Wayment became a qualified Certified Nursing Assistant to help others as they make an end to the journey in their lives.

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Depending on the state where you are at, the training course to become such a person can take six to eight weeks.

Where you are trained to up lift people. What will you do, “working closely with patients, you are responsible for basic care services such as bathing, grooming and feeding patients, assisting nurses with medical equipment, and checking patient vital signs. CNAs give patients important social and emotional support and also provide vital information on patient conditions to nurses.

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” For Annie the training was a long, hard jammed packed four weeks. She stated, “I almost died (Annie Wayment, personal communication, May, 22, 2013). In the course there are plenty of hands on experience and memorization.

Then after passing all tests and training satisfaction you are qualified to assist people. She takes Avalon’s statement to heart “we embrace a reverence for life, and a heart for healing. ” After going all through this and then actual helping people Annie continues with an energy that most people do when they are doing what they enjoy. While on a high school job shadow Annie was introduced to the field of helping and then made the decision that was her future job, helping someone.

She began her work at Avalon Care Center aiding those who can on loner help themselves. Confused like most people in their first job experience she floated about for a couple of weeks but slowly understood her role. Distressed, frustrated, and irritated to not be able to do what they use to do all their lives this group accepts help from others. They tell them of their problems, and their long life experiences. They don’t only need physical assistance but also mentally. Being a good listener, with a caring heart is part of the job.

Though Annie cannot see herself doing this particular work all her life she still goes about with a smile on her face enjoying every minute. Those moments of doing all you can, and then seeing a face of gratitude for what you have done gives you that extra step to do another good deed. A swelling of an inexplicable satisfaction fills you up. Working in this nursing home Annie has gained many new friends. They share all their joyous moments with her and she helps them through their moments of pain and frustration.

As time goes on she becomes more than just a friend to these people with all the time she has spent with them. “When working in a nursing home, as an aide, you spend 1/3 of your day with these residents and you become part of their families (Annie Wayment, personal communication, May, 22, 2013). ” Even at times when she thinks she is aiding someone she receives help in return from these this time worn people. A piece of advice here and there and a phrase that sticks in your mind. They just seem to grow on you as the time passes and an inner connection is made with them.

She recalls one of the many residents of the caring center in which she helped. The elderly woman was sick for some time. She knew how the woman wanted her room to be organized and helped her daily. The woman got better and was later discharged from the care center. They kept in contact even afterwards. The job like most other jobs also has its down side. After spending quality time in helping, listening, and strengthening people and being strengthened by them, it all seems to be lost in a moment. Sometimes the question of why is asked in most of these circumstances.

This woman who Annie kept in contact with became sick again and was hospitalized. She was informed that she would be returning back to the care center back under her care. Excited to see again her room was prepared and fixed up the way the patient liked it. Later on Annie was told that she would no longer be coming. In most incidents Annie has to be the one who needs to get over her grief first and fast. After the passing of those who she has helped she then needs to face the family of the person who she lost, but she is happy for having the knowledge that the church has given her about life.

She understands the purpose of why we are here and gives yet another comforting hand to the families of those who have passed on. With the knowledge of the gospel she can comfort and ease the pain of the family members that do not have this knowledge. Hard at times and good at others this is what Annie Wayment does. The good seems to outweigh the bad and she continues on her way of assisting others who are in need. It is what she finds the most enjoyable thing to do.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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