The Importance of Speaking Truthfully and Being Virtuous

Categories: Virtues

Writing Assignment #3: The Importance of Speaking Truthfully and Being Virtuous

California Baptist University


The paper reviews the importance of speaking truthfully and being virtuous when developing and presenting a speech.

Keywords: speaking truthfully, being virtuous , presenting a speech.

Writing Assignment #3:The Importance of Speaking Truthfully and Being VirtuousIn order to be as credible as possible, we must say the truth. As a human, we are receiving several pieces of information and message telling us what to do, which is very confusing or even terrifying.

Being virtuous and speaking truthfully are essential tools of communication that both works on daily life and while developing a speech.

What it really means?

Speaking truthfully is speaking with the heart, honesty, and compassion. In the word truthfully there is the word: truth, which is the common thread to follow for this kind of speech.

Being virtuous is expressing the characteristics of the four cardinal virtues (Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance). Indeed, this is linked to morality with the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.


Applying these concepts should not be a problem for the speakers at the time to speak in front of everyone.

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There are just some key points important to respect when we are preparing and speaking.

According to The New Times: "Truthfulness is the greatest and most important of all human virtues." (The New Times, p.1) Indeed, I immediately think of a quality that distinguishes the man who acts for a good of the man.

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Truthfulness is a great virtue, and this is essential for the speaker to speak with love in order to convince the audience. Moreover, the speaker needs to be open-mind in order to remove any doubt. In fact, when we are speaking truthfully and being virtuous, we ourselves believe in what we say, which allows us to be even more convincing.


Deliver a truthful and virtuous speech is similar to a moral speech. Therefore, we have to be objective, avoiding bad opinion while saying the truth. According to The New Times: " Moral of the story: Truthfulness brings its own reward." (The New Times, p.7)


Jaffe, C. I. (2017). Public speaking, concepts and skills for a diverse society, 8th Edition Boston.

The News Times (2017), Why it's important to be truthful,

Manchester United conceded a draw at Wolverhampton on Monday (1-1). If Anthony Martial opened the scoring, Paul Pogba missed the penalty of the win.

After their resounding success against Chelsea on the first day of the Premier League (4-0), Manchester United failed to hold on to the Wolverhampton field on Monday (1-1). The Red Devils had the game in hand but gave on a jewel of Ruben Neves. Paul Pogba missed the penalty for the victory.

The jewel of Neves, the failure of Pogba

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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The Importance of Speaking Truthfully and Being Virtuous essay
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