Reminiscing the Loss of a Childhood Friend to Cancer

In 2011, I lost my childhood friend to cancer. I struggled a lot with her passing and for sure, her family did too. My friend had herdisease diagnosed when it has already reached an advanced stage. The late detection was due to her parents' ignorance of thedisease symptoms.

Ever since then, I became aware of the importance of the early diagnosis and I felt responsible to raise awarenessabout cancer symptoms. My opportunity came when I participated in a competition organized in my high school.

After being divided into teams of four, we wereasked to come up with an innovative idea of a low-cost project to raise awareness in our community about cancer, cancer symptoms,and help patients and their families deal with the disease by supporting them emotionally, in a period of three days.

We discussed many ideas and by the end, we decided to design an application that would allow the user to read about all kinds ofcancer and their symptoms, contact volunteering-doctors for explanations, interact with other users, and read stories about people whosurvived this disease and won the fight against it.

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It was a very challenging experience for my teammates and me because it was the first of its kind for us.

We had a lot of work to do ina short amount of time. As a team leader, I had a bigger responsibility since I had to not only complete my tasks but also to monitor theprogress in my teammates' tasks, motivate them to continue with the same enthusiasm, and to make sure the project will becompleted by the deadline.

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I remember we spent white nights working hard to make the app design as perfect as we can.

We wantedto present something that would benefit our community and inspire others to contribute to the development of our society. Besides, we had to be prepared to pitch in front of the jury so we devoted a good amount of time to perfect our pitch by practicing bodylanguage and eye contact in order to market our idea and convince the jury of its value, to win the competition.

This competition was my first step out of my comfort zone, through which I tried new fields, succeeded In doing things I never thoughtI'm capable off, and discovered that I'm a good communicator, active team player, and a successful team leader.

In the United States, I am planning to get involved in any activity that would allow me to take a step forward in developing myleadership skills and learning more about collective leadership and innovation. I am planning on keeping up the curiosity to learn aboutthings that would help me contribute to the innovation and entrepreneurial leadership in Tunisia.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Reminiscing the Loss of a Childhood Friend to Cancer. (2019, Nov 28). Retrieved from

Reminiscing the Loss of a Childhood Friend to Cancer essay
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