Cass 11 Apple Inc.: People and Design

Categories: Society

CASS 11 Apple Inc. : People and Design 1. DISCUSSION Apple sells stylish and functional computers as well as variety of electronic devices, and it operates retail stores. Describe the forces for change tht best help Apple keep its creative edge. With the recent passing of Steve Jobs, there has been an intense spotlight focused on both the man and the company he built. Most of the attention has rightfully been focused on Jobs’ passion and creativity, as well as the remarkable period of innovation he preside.

As a symbolic leader, the man not only once saving the company from bankruptcy but also building up a well-known brand that had integrate with our daily life – Apple.

When you think about Apple’s products, what words come to mind? For most people, words such as simple, elegant, and innovative are among the first. Those values were critically important to Steve Jobs, and he instilled them into the Apple company culture. These core values Design and Innovation, Ease and Simplicity, and Quality are the reasons that Apple products that are so excellent, you can walk into any Apple store all over the world and have almost the same experience.

The core values influence extends from the highest level executives through all managerial levels down to the workers who create the products or deliver the services of the organisation.

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From sales associates to top executives, Apple is united by a common culture. With its value-based management, core values of the company can maximize its usage to create an organization as a whole.

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You can see everyone in the organization reflect the values in day-to-day actions. And it is that those culture ensures that Apple customers enjoy the experience that they have expect whenever they interact with Apple products, such as iPhone, iPad and etc. visiting an Apple store, or even calling Apple’s technical support line. 2. DISCUSSION Should Apple’s board of directors be expecting Steve Jobs to push transformational change or incremental change, or both, at this point in time? Why? How will this change impact Apple’s operations internationally? October 5, 2011 Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor.

Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. The board of directors couldn’t keep expecting him to push transformational change or incremental change at this point in time. Incremental change bends and adjusts existing ways to improve performance. Common incremental changes in organizations involve evolutions in products, processes, technologies, and work systems. Evolutions lead the products of Apple with more variety and higher technology with more attractive features will dramatically increase its sales all over the world since the company was leading by the man. Phone 4S best reflect the success of incremental changes which become the 1st leading phone that beat others with the highest sales in the market. By the way of improving working systems, more productive workers will increase the potential of growth of Apple in the future time. For example, the demographics of India can be a major factor for apple to succeed in India. Apple would have to devise a cost leadership strategy while maintaining the product differentiation. Apple would need to devise a Supply chain initiative to maintain its operation.

The following segments could be targeted by Apple: There is a huge demand for better processing powers in Business analytics and Market research firms in India. Apple could target these companies, by demonstrating its technical expertise over Microsoft. This would lead to mass awareness of its products, other than the iPhone and iPad. Transformational change results in a major and comprehensive redirection of organization. Restructuring products is one of the way for companies to transform. One example of a company that achieved transformational change by altering its product line is Apple Computer.

In 1996, Apple was losing money and had very little market share when it purchased former owner Steve Jobs' software company, NeXT. In 1997, Jobs become CEO of Apple and began restructuring the product line, placing greater emphasis on style and the use of proprietary operating systems, rather than systems it licensed from other designers. The transformation to focus on quality and innovation led to a return to prosperity. In 2011, Apple was the third most valuable company in America and its product spread widely in more than 100 countries. 3. DISCUSSION Describe change strategies employed by Apple throughout its history.

Consider its relation with Microsoft and Adobe. What model of change leadership do you feel Steve Jobs embodies, and why? Change Strategies Throughout the Apple’s history, the change strategies employed is the shared power strategies that pursues change by participation in assessing change needs, values, and goals which support for change will naturally emerge. In the corporation, Steve Jobs applies this strategy which he means that this approach brings highly participative. Power is shared as the change agent and others work together to develop consensus to support needed change. We've got 25,000 people at Apple. About 10,000 of them are in the stores. And my job is to work with sort of the top 100 people, that what I do. That doesn't mean they're all vice presidents. Some of them are just key individual contributors. So when a good idea comes, you know, part of my job is to move it around, just see what different people think, get people talking about it, argue with people about it, get ideas moving among that group of 100 people, get different people together to explore different aspects of it quietly, and, you know - just explore things," says Steve Jobs.

The great “power” of sharing power in the change process lies with unlocking the creativity and experience of people within the system. Change Leadership A change leader takes initiative in trying to change the behavior of another person or social system. From the organization of the Apple, Steve Jobs applying the top –down change model that phrase the change initiatives come from senior management. A change leadership with top-down model enquire the characteristic of willing to take high risk, seize opportunity, make things happen and others few.

The determination of Steve Jobs to alliance with Apple’s former rival, Microsoft brings a forward pace to Apple Computer. But then he revokes licenses and allowing the production of Mac clones and started offering Macs over the Web through the Apple Store. The right decision making by Jobs have included successes of growing approximately 35% of operating profits in the computer market and 66% of the market share. 4. DISCUSSION Review what the analysts are presently saying about Apple.

Make a list of all of the praises and criticisms, organize them by themes, and put them in the priority order you would tackle them if taking over from Steve Jobs as Apple’s new CEO. In what ways can the praises and criticisms be used to create a leadership agenda for positive change and continuous improvement? Praises 1. Stevie Wonder has sung the praises of Apple, for making its iPhone and iPad devices accessible to people with disabilities. The iOS platform, which features on both the iPhone and iPad does indeed have some impressive accessibility chops, designed to make the devices easier for disabled people to use.

Both devices come with a service called Voice Over, for instance, which makes the phone read out any on-screen text that you tap. Support for wireless braille devices, the ability to zoom into the screen and a colour reversal tool that changes everything to white text on black backgrounds are other enhancements. To make typing a shade easier, there's the option to have a voice speak each letter of the keyboard as you run your finger over it too. 2. David Hockney is one of the most influential British artists still alive and working, and he is, believe it or not, now using the iPad as a drawing pad.

The Apple iPad means different things to different people. Some will use it to browse the Web, some will use it to play games, some will use it to work on. But renowned artist David Hockney is using it to draw on, before emailing his creations to friends. David Hockney has long used technology in his works or art, and began using an iPhone to draw on last year. Now, he’s switched to the iPad, despite the Apple tablet not yet being available in the U. K. The iPad is far more subtle – in fact it really is like a drawing pad. Criticisms 1. Pod and iTunes. Due to Apple's digital rights management setup, until April 2007 any music you bought from iTunes could play in only three places: on an iPod, within registered iTunes software on a limited number of computers, or on certain Motorola phone that nobody buy. If you wanted to move the songs you bought to a cheaper player from a competing manufacturer, you had two options: one is you burned your songs to a CD and then reripped them as MP3s, or quasi legal software that essentially did the same thing using your hard drive instead of a disc.

Actually, Apple has at least two other choices for incremental change. It could license its Fairplay DRM technology to other hardware manufacturers and allow multiple devices to play media purchased on iTunes, as Amazon does with its video-on-demand service. Or it could use its market power to push for one of the industry-wide DRM schemes proposed by Disney, Sony, and other parties. 2. iPhone and the App Store. The iPhone's software shop, on the other hand, is a dictatorship. Apps for the iPhone are available only from the App Store in iTunes. Phone owners have had the option of jail breaking the handset, which allows them to install apps not approved by Apple while voiding the warranty and hope that Apple doesn't release an OS update that turns the phone into a brick. Apple claims that jail breaking the iPhone violates its copyrights and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Some of the application or software in App Store may not in full version without payment. Apple should make a change on it so that iPhone users can enjoy every application and software. With each major mobile platform developing its own app stores, more differences may emerge.

As its competitors (Android, Symbian) grow in popularity, the incremental change for iPhone App Store is needed. They may have to relax some of its restrictions and rules so that the customers can enjoy fully from using iPhone. Enjoy the full version of the applications, games with a reasonable paid or maybe free of charge. This incremental change can keep the old customers and increase the new customers from the smart phone market. This incremental change won’t driving the customers away to the competitors and reduce the chances that customers sending the iPhone to jailbreak.

And this is also a way to competitive with the competitors. 3. MacBooks. Ever since the return of Steve Jobs to Apple in 1997, the Mac has been a tightly controlled, closed system. The result is high prices of MacBook and limits on the options you can get with Mac hardware. There is non-replaceable battery for the MacBooks. The customers have to send the notebook back to Apple for replacement of the battery which will have atrocious battery life within about 2 years. About the memory, there is no expandable memory for MacBooks. GB of RAM inserted onto the motherboard and the customers couldn’t add extra RAM in later. For an incremental change, Apple can reduce the control towards MacBooks. Actually they can make it to more options for the hardware. Like the battery, they can push the replaceable battery to market and change the integrated battery to normal notebook’s battery that we can see in market. In conclusion, Apple should make the MacBooks have more options to get the hardware like other brands notebook. This incremental change not only won’t affect the value of MacBooks and improve the functional of the MacBooks.

The success of new product introductions depends on a number of factors including but not limited to timely and successful product development, market acceptance, the Company’s ability to manage the risks associated with new products and production ramp issues, the availability of application software for new products, the effective management of purchase commitments and inventory levels in line with anticipated product demand, the availability of products in appropriate quantities and costs to meet anticipated demand, and the risk that new products may have quality or other defects in the early stages of introduction.

To let Apple always change and improved in the future, it can alliance with other company by using their function in Apple’s product. This will benefit the two companies at the same time. By using this method, Apple can always improve their product with product function in priority, when the product have enough function to satisfy the need of customers, sales will be increase as well as popularity of Apple Company.

For example, Apple’s product are not support with own internet service today, as a customers, they need to use other communication to connect the internet. This will let customer spend more money into the other company service. So, I suggest Apple can alliance with internet service company to let apple product which are I phone or I pad always can surf with own internet lines for free. This way can attract more customers to buy Apple’s product.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Cass 11 Apple Inc.: People and Design essay
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