Beauty Essay Examples

Beauty - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

“Do we love anything except what is beautiful? What then is a beautiful thing? What is beauty? What is it that attracts us and wins us to the things that we love?” (Augustine 106) Some might answer this question of the philosopher with the common phrase, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Certainly, many have argued that beauty is a subjective notion strictly dependent on point of view. People differ widely in regard to what they call beautiful, but does this mean that beauty is nothing more than a figment of the eye, an ambiguous notion that differs from one viewer to the next? Indeed, this seems a bit disappointing in something that inspires such a powerful response in not just an isolated case but universally. “…if beauty is entirely subjective – that is, if anything that anyone holds to be or experiences as beautiful is beautiful…then it seems that the word has no meaning, or that we are not communicating anything when we call something beautiful except perhaps an approving personal attitude”.

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