Perfume - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Perfume, a fragrant liquid made from essential oils commonly extracted from flowers and spices, used to emanate pleasant smells from one’s body. It began in the Old and Middle Kingdoms when perfumes were used only for religious rituals such as cleansing ceremonies. Later on, it became common for Egyptian women to use perfumed creams and oils as toiletries and cosmetics prior to love-making. Perfume then spread to Rome, Greece, and the Islamic community. Perfume became a massive success during the seventeenth century due to the rise in popularity of perfumed gloves in France and in the mid 17th century, the association of perfume-makers and gloves was established. The use of perfume in France grew steadily; even the court of Louis XV was named ‘the perfumed court’ as a result of people applying scents to not only skin but also to fans, furniture and clothing daily (“History of Perfume”).

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