Child Education Journey: St Anns vs. Rainbow Nursery

Getting Started

Starting my work in St Anns Primary School and Rainbow Nursery was a big step for me. In St Anns, I helped year 1 and nursery kids with their work and kept an eye on them during lessons and breaks. My job also included keeping the classroom tidy. Later, I spent a week at Rainbow Nursery, where I did different things like helping with French lessons. These experiences were crucial for me to learn about taking care of kids and understanding them better.

Learning to Talk with Kids at St Anns

When I began at St Anns, I wasn't sure how to interact with the kids.

I was shy and didn't know what to do. Watching the regular staff there taught me that being happy around kids is essential. You can't bring your own problems to work because kids can tell if you're not happy. It affects them and makes them upset. This taught me a lot about how to behave around children.

Joining PE Classes and Being in Charge

I joined PE classes with year one students at St Anns.

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The teacher told the kids to move around the gym in different ways, like animals or making shapes with their bodies. I joined in to make it fun. But the kids got too excited, and I had to help calm them down. This was tough because I was just a student. I learned to be in charge, tell them to be quiet, and explain why they should calm down.

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It taught me that being firm and telling kids why they're in trouble helps them see things differently.

Dealing with Different Kids at St Anns

St Anns showed me that every kid is different, like an autistic pupil. I learned how to interact with them in the right way, understanding their needs better. This was important for me to learn how to communicate and help various types of students.

Comparing Rainbow Nursery

At Rainbow Nursery, I worked with younger kids for a week. It was different from St Anns, and I helped with French lessons. Rainbow starts teaching languages early, unlike St Anns, where kids start later. This made me think about the best time to start learning languages.

Being Social at Rainbow

While at Rainbow, I also helped with a play called 'Little Red Riding Hood.' I encouraged the kids, helped them with their lines, and even made costumes. Working together with the staff was great, and it improved my social skills. Teamwork helped us finish the task quickly and do it well. This made me more confident.

Learning Child Care at Both Places

Both St Anns and Rainbow taught me better ways to care for kids. I learned to talk and play with them during playtime and comfort them when they were upset. It was more than just helping with schoolwork; it was about being there for the kids when they needed it.

Final Thoughts

Starting at Rainbow Nursery in my first year was nerve-wracking. I wasn't used to working with young kids and wasn't sure if I'd be any good. But as I got used to it and the kids got used to me, I came out of my shell. Reading stories, playing in the playground, and being more socially active became a part of my routine.

Though I liked working at Rainbow Nursery, St Anns had a more significant impact on me. The staff at St Anns was friendlier, and the school environment was better. The kids were well-behaved, and there was a strict 'no bullying' rule. This made a difference, and I felt more comfortable there.

My preference for St Anns comes from the supportive atmosphere and the focus on creating a good learning environment. Both experiences taught me a lot about taking care of kids, adapting to different situations, and being a better educator. These moments are crucial steps in my journey to becoming a skilled and understanding teacher.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Child Education Journey: St Anns vs. Rainbow Nursery. (2016, Mar 18). Retrieved from

Child Education Journey: St Anns vs. Rainbow Nursery essay
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