French Nobility in History

Categories: HistoryPolitics

Throughout the time period of the sixteenth century to the eighteen century the understanding of what nobility is and what its capabilities are altered with the monarchy's mindset. Several arguments excited related to the nobility. The 2 most essential were the differentiation in between bathrobe and sword nobility and whether they even had the right to have such a title. The sword nobility which come from a long military descendancy deserve to carry out particular duties as described by Jean De La Taille in "The Retired Courtier", the poem describes the requirement to be a pure noble and possess the title of courtier (doc 1).

King Louis XIII revealed in the Statement of Battles and Affairs of Honors that nobles brought into nobility by money are misusing their time battling with the sword nobility rather of protecting the nation that permits them to have such a title in the very first location.( doc6).

Louis XIII desired political independence and this diversion and rebellion only stop him from getting there.

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Gilles Andre de la Roque stated "You can't just make the title of nobility due to the fact that you do not have the household required for it"( doc9). The concept of what genuinely makes an honorable, a noble is being shared by these documents. Marc-Antoine Millotet concurred with the rights that came with being a robe nobleman due to the reality that it was gotten by law (doc7). His ideas are mostly connected to the truth that he was a judge, therefore he pushed the idea of law.

The scene created by Moliere in "Dom Juan" represents his idea that nobility doesn't come through being born in a worthy household.

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You can only end up being an honorable by having the right mindset and intentions (doc8). King Louis XVI altered the idea of how one can end up being honorable. In the "Order Granting Nobility" he states that nobility is no longer accomplished through an honorable hereditary line. It is now achieved by being good service to the king and sacrificing money to support the army (doc10). The comparable idea shared between these documents is that nobility is not hereditary.

Philippe-Antoine in the "Universal Dictionary of Civil, Criminal, Canonical, and Proprietary Jurisprudence" claims that it is necessary for laws to be made against regular people claiming noble titles for business or just to be at a higher rank (doc 12). Antoine de Montchrestien in the " newspaper obituary" shows an example of a fraud caused by a common birth person which calls himself the Baron Of Vatteville. He took the title of a noble, when he doesn't belong to noble family and also took the name of an estate that doesn't exist (doc5). The Villagers of Mondeville claim that nobleman bought titles and now claim that their statuses permit them to assault and beat the villagers (doc3). All these documents share examples of the frauds that went on during that time period. They also show the influence the battle between the sword and robe nobility had on the regular people.

During the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries there was a different understanding of what a true noble was and what allowed you to become a noble. There were two different versions of how to become a noble. Either by sacrificing money to the army and being under the service of the king or by being born in a noble family. Both of these versions had their own ups and downs and influenced the people differently.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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