Montclair State University Personal Statement Essay

I believe that in life, there are certain nuggets of wisdom which, however rudimentary, always find themselves speaking volumes to our particular circumstances and present situations. As indeed, there are times that we realize how insightful and truthful some adages and sayings can become. In my otherwise brief life, I have come to realize that the liberty of adopting a few philosophies to live by a meaningful life is a potent ingredient for personal growth.

And now that I am into an intense soul searching moment, plainly on account of the felt need to determine which path would best represent a meaningful existence for myself, I have come appreciate the adage which says, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, more profoundly.

Journeys have to always begin with a single step; I could no less agree. But precisely because I live by the premise that we are the ones chiefly responsible for the persons that we would eventually become, I dare say that a single step would probably not suffice.

To the contrary, a right step – that which is borne out of intense soul searching, adequate knowledge of oneself and one’s duties, on top of constant discernment – constitutes as the first step towards accomplishing a meaningful life.

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With this mind, I am applying to this University precisely because I have faith that such a choice would represent the first crucial, nay rightful step towards achieving the quality of life which I envision for myself, as well as for those that I truly love.

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As with every journey, preparedness is a key determining factor.

And in ways more one, I have reasons to think that I have done my part in making sure that I am prepared to take on the exacting rigors and promethean duties which shall be demanded by this University. If only to state, I have strongly developed a sense of responsibility as a student. I know that when I enter the classroom, I am letting the entire learning community undertake all things necessary so as to make room for learning and growth. I therefore know how to appreciate the nature of my identity as a student in the very first place.

Just the same, I believe that I know how to equally appreciate the responsibilities laid upon the shoulders of student. Which is why, I take pride in stating that my academic results are the most conspicuous testimonies that could straightaway speak for the enormous effort which I have ponderously poured into my scholastic activities recently. Specifically, I was able to make it through the Dean’s List for three consecutive semesters, garnering a GPA of 3. 3 or better for all the subjects that I have thus far taken.

Given that I can deliver admirable results as a student, I think that I can be as dedicated and diligent as I have been over the last couple of years in this University. Well-roundedness both as a learner and as a person, of course, cannot be compromised. While I am chiefly aware that academics takes up more than half of the time allotted for any learning process in any given learning institution, I still believe classroom instructions do not sufficiently represent the entirety of holistic learning.

I therefore took the liberty of engaging myself in worthwhile activities which have helped me hone my talents and skills. Herein I find it necessary to mention that I have involved in many extracurricular activities during high school. In particular, I became member of our school’s soccer team, and eventually became a team manager. Of our many achievements, I would consider our winning the district championship as one of my major contributions to the team. In addition, I was likewise able to lend my competence and talent to the committee tasked to complete our school yearbook.

During college meanwhile, I joined the Business Club, knowing that I possess a keen interest and special ken for business affairs, concepts and enterprises. That and more, I also dedicated a fair amount of effort in contributing to the goals of the International Student Association, specifically in respect to my duties and responsibilities as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa International Society. Hardly over, I did also try some volunteering work which was sanctioned by the College. Through it, I was able to participate in visiting the elderly in the neighborhood.

Of equal importance, I also had the rare opportunity to organize the Christmas Child Operation, after being appointed as manager to such a truly benevolent initiative. In all these affiliations, I saw the value of transcending my personal comfort zones not only because I want to make myself useful, but also account of a desire to become a person whose learning process impacts not only the mind, but also – nay, even more so – my vision of a better world. Surely I am aware of the responsibilities demanded of a learner.

But surely I am equally aware of the duties demanded of a human person, in the first analysis. As soon as I begin to step in to this University as student, I promise to offer the same amount of dedication and passion which have defined my performance in the past years. I have always found it rewarding to actively take part in the learning process – both academic and non-academic in nature – as much as possible. When given a chance, I would live up to the same pro-active stance which I have always adopted, specifically in responding to the demands which this University would require.

I am expressing my readiness to take on the tall challenge of continuing studies and life-long education. I have always been a hardworking and diligent student. I am patient and always eager to contribute my ideas for greater causes, especially when they are needed, not the least when they are sought. Needless to say, I am very determined person too. I have learned that success is a plum that cannot be reached in an instant, least of all overnight. I believe in the wisdom of perseverance and relentlessness in working for kind of life which I desire.

This is my first step. And I am applying to this University because I know that my first step towards putting into concrete reality the tall vision which I have for myself shall end up being the right one. Far more critical, I know that the programs and expertise which this University can offer would eventually make me even more equipped to handle future endeavors with greater possibility for success, and wider avenues to gain life meaning at its fullest.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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