Real beauty is the natural beauty

Categories: Natural Beauty

Purpose is defined as author’s goals; in “The Eye of the Beholder”, Suh’s goal is to persuade readers just be themselves, and do not use makeup to make a fake face. (2) Ethos is defined as credibility; Suh used her own experience and her reputation to support her argument on stop making up, and just be natural. (3) Logos is defined as evidence and logic;

Suh used some evidence and logic to prove that using makeup cannot make people look pretty.

(4) Diction is defined as the writer’s distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression designed for effect; Suh used “ Mannequin”, “fake”, “terrible”, and “familiar and comforting” to express that she not suitable for makeup, and felt confidence about do herself. Conclusion

Repeat hook, thesis statement, and background information; and give definitions and analysis of purpose, ethos, logos, and diction.

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Dr. Mary F Bucknor-Smartt
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Real beauty is the natural beauty
“Do people often judge people by their appearances?” The answer is definitely yes.

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The one who looks nice can leave a good impression on others. Those who have good appearances would have more opportunities than others, like their can easily find a job, or become a TV star to earn large amount of money.

Because of these, more and more people start to pay more attention on their appearance. According to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery report, Americans spent almost $11 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2012. From this statistic we realized that nowadays, more and more people would like to spend money on cosmetic surgeries or make ups in order to make them more beautiful.

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In this paper, I am going to analyze the purpose, ethos, logos and diction in Grace Suh’s “The Eye of the Beholder”. Purpose is defined as author’s goals.

In “The Eye of the Beholder”, Suh’s goal is to pursued readers just be themselves, and do not use makeup to make a fake face. After make up, Suh thought her face “had a strange plastic sheen, like a mannequin’s” (Suh 188). And she asked herself “ Was this right? Didn’t I look kind of ---fake?” (Suh 189). From these we can realize that Suh did not like the face full of cosmetics. Actually, she thought the face was unnatural after using lip gloss, blush, foundation and eye shadows.

She was not satisfied with her new look, so she quickly want to the washroom and remove all the cosmetics on her face. After that, Suh felt “familiar and comforting” about herself (Suh 190). Suh felt uncomfortable after make up, and felt familiar after remove the cosmetics. Compared with these two different feelings, Suh wants to appeal people stop make up, and just be natural. Ethos is defined as credibility. Suh used her own experience and her reputation to support her argument on stop wearing make up, and just be natural.

First, Suh is a professional editor and writing coach in New York City. In addition, her work has appeared in the New York Times, Smock magazine, and the Asian Pacific American Journal (Suh 187). Based on her reputation, audience can fully trust what she said. Second, Suh used her own experience to tell us used makeup sometimes not look beautiful but horrible. For example, after used eye makeup, Suh could not recognize her face in the mirror because “ the drawn-on fold and dark, heavy shadows distorted and proportioned my whole face” (Suh 189). Suh stared at the mirror, and found the face in the mirror looked like a stranger. She looked terrible after wearing make up. Suh also notice that no everyone is suitable for wearing make up.

The Estee lady was pretty, so after her make up she was pretty too. “Her blue eyes were recessed in an intricate pattern of folds and hollows” (Suh 189). However, Suh was not beautiful, as her own description about herself, she was with “ragged hair; the dark circles under my eyes; the facial blemishes” (Suh 187). So although Suh had make up on, she was still not charming. Logos is defined as evidence and logic. Suh used some
evidence and logic to prove that using makeup cannot make people look pretty.

Firstly, Suh used logic to show that cosmetic sometimes may not make people look well but worse. Suh at first thought herself not look pretty, so she imagined that makeup could help her improving her appearance. But on the contrary, Suh looked much more terrible after make up. For example, Suh described “my skin was a blankly even shade of pale, my cheeks and lips glaringly bright in contrast” (Suh 188). From these descriptions, we can realize Suh did not satisfied with her appearance after make up. Secondly, Suh became more self-confident about her appearance. At the very beginning, Suh thought she was ugly, and wanted to change her appearance through cosmetics.

But after the unsuccessful changing, she finally realized that the real beauty was something from inside, like confidence. With this in mind, Suh found that she was not ugly as she thought before. Diction is defined as the writer’s distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression designed for effect; Suh used “ Mannequin”, “fake”, “terrible”, and “familiar and comforting” to express that she not suitable for makeup, and felt confidence about do herself. Firstly, “mannequin” means dummy used to display the clothed from the window store. In the paragraph, it means not real. Secondly, “fake” means not what it seems to be. In the paragraph it defined as unnatural.

These two words shows that after used makeup, Suh felt strange about her face. Thirdly, “ terrible” means awful. In the paragraph, after used eye makeup, Suh looked horrible, so after this horrible experience, Suh no longer willing to make up. Fourthly, “ familiar and comforting” shows that Suh became confidence about her own appearance, and realized the real one is the beautiful one. In conclusion, people also judge people by their appearance; those who look nice can leave people a good impression.

With this in mind, nowadays, people pay more attention on their appearance than before. More and more people are willing to spend large amount of money on makeups or cosmetic surgeries. In Suh’s The Eye of the Beholder”, she used purpose, ethos, logos and diction to illustrate her point of view that makeup is not help to improve your appearance, the real appearance is natural and beautiful. Purpose is defined as author’s goals; in “The Eye of the Beholder”, Suh’s goal is to suggest readers to keep real. Ethos is defined as credibility; Suh used her own experience and her reputation to support her argument on stop using cosmetics.

Logos is defined as evidence and logic; Suh used some evidence and logic to prove that using makeup cannot make people look pretty, sometimes even worse. Diction is defined as the writer’s distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression designed for effect; Suh used “ Mannequin”, “fake”, “terrible”, and “familiar and comforting” to express that she not suitable for makeup, and felt confidence about do herself.

Works Cited
Suh, Grace. “The Eye of the Beholder” Mirror on America:Essays and Images from Popular Culture. Eds. Joan T. Mims and Elizabeth M. Nolen. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012.187 190.Print.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Real beauty is the natural beauty. (2016, May 23). Retrieved from

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