From Lonely Nights to Words on Paper: My Journey to Becoming a Writer

Categories: Life goals

My goal in life is to become a writer. I have always been fond of books. As I am an only child I was very lonely. Both my parents worked, leaving me in the care of servants. When I grew older I was a latchkey kid who let herself into an empty house with a spare key. All I had for company was my pet kitten and a shelf full of books. Books made me forget the fact that I was lonely.

I could open a book and lose myself in the world that opened up to me in its pages.

I wrote my first poem when I was seven years old and my first story when I was nine. My stories and poems are often published in the school magazine. It makes me feel so proud when someone tells me that they liked my story or poem.

At first I had wanted to become a doctor. But later I decided that I wanted to become a full time writer.

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Books have given me such pleasure and solace that I want to do the same for others through my books. Before, people could not make a living through writing alone. But now things have changed.

The huge advance that writers get has meant that good writers need not worry about income. There is more prestige attached to writing too, nowadays. My parents still hope that I will become a doctor as it means a steady income and I haven’t totally given up on it.

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But my real love is writing.

To hone my skills I continue to read a lot. The books I read range from classics to Harry Potter. I want to read all kinds of writers so that I get an exposure to different styles of writing. I am also hoping to go to the US to get a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. It will definitely go a long way to bring me closer to my goal.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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From Lonely Nights to Words on Paper: My Journey to Becoming a Writer. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from

From Lonely Nights to Words on Paper: My Journey to Becoming a Writer essay
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