"On Becoming a Writer": Embracing Identity Through Words

Categories: Free Essays

In "On Becoming a Writer," the author, Russell Baker, expressed his interest in writing as a way of thinking of himself and forming an identity. "The only thing that genuinely interested me was composing, "he mentions. "It was the only thing for which I seemed to have the smallest skill ..." Even though he utilized to dislike English classes in high school, in his third year, the chance of being a writer knocked on his door. When Mr.

Fleagle, the English professor, with an out of date look and behavior, took over the class, he brought on a chance to Russell to realize his skill and remain with open eyes for the future.

Mr. Fleagle introduced to the class a task, an informal essay. The choice of subjects was "The Art of Eating Spaghetti." "This title produced an amazing series of mental images. "Russell says. "Suddenly I wished to blog about that ..." The author desired to write this essay not for Mr.

Fleagle, however for himself, for his own satisfaction, as a way to recapture and hold permanently this dear memory.

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Although he recognized the possibility of getting a stopping working grade, he took the possibility and sent his project to Mr. Fleagle. "Two days passed prior to Mr. Fleagle returned the graded papers, and he returned everyone's but my own." The author's thriller didn't last long as Mr. Fleagle kept his essay last, and started reading it to the class. "My words! He was reading my words out loud to the whole class.

" At that minute, Rusell Baker experienced his happiest minute of all school years, which provided him the confidence and chance to simply become an author.

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"... Mr. Fleagle had opened a door for me." "On Becoming a Writer" is an essay for the trainees, who are interested in composing but are afraid to face their desire, since of doubt or not taking composing as a real task. It is an essay for the instructors, showing them just how much of an effect they have on a trainee's future.

It is vital for the teachers to remember that everything they do or say can influence their students at this stage of their life. “On Becoming a Writer” is also an essay for everybody interested in the subject and can decide to become a writer. The author is telling us his story as a friend. His purpose is to make us realize that things are possible and happen if we really believe in our qualities and ourselves. Dreams come true every day, and we, the dreamers, have to work hard for those dreams, to wake up and asleep with them and be very persistent to make them happen.

As Paulo Coelho states in his book, “When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ” Therefore, essays as “On Becoming a Writer” and many other are meant to give their readers the confidence and the support they need to follow their dreams. In most of the time it, doesn’t happen immediately or short period of time; in most of the time it may take years before any dream becomes reality. Therefore, having someone like Mr. Fleagle in your life, give you hope and motivation to keep dreaming.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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"On Becoming a Writer": Embracing Identity Through Words. (2016, Sep 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/on-becoming-a-writer-essay

"On Becoming a Writer": Embracing Identity Through Words essay
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