The Debate Between Natural and Relaxed Hair: A Personal Journey

Categories: Natural Beauty

Is "relaxed" the new norm? Has natural hair lost its appeal? Is having straight hair now considered the ideal?

It is common for women today to use relaxers on their daughters at a very young age. Doing so at age six is considered premature as their hair has not had enough time to fully develop and reveal its natural texture. The chemicals found in relaxers can be harmful, particularly to young and developing scalps and hairlines. Despite the convenience and affordability of home relaxer kits, it is concerning that children as young as six are being exposed to them.

According to Sandeen 2, relaxers can be harmful and can result in damage to a child's scalp and hair follicles, causing sparse or empty hairlines.

This often leads to a hairline that is receded far back from its natural position. It is crucial to avoid using relaxers on young children to prevent such consequences.

Transitioning from relaxed to natural hair 3.5 years ago was both difficult and rewarding.

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I chose not to do the "big chop" and questioned if it was really necessary for accepting my natural hair. During this transition period, I maintained a consistent routine of shampooing, conditioning, blow drying, flat ironing, and wrapping my hair.

After transitioning, I have been washing my hair every other day, flat ironing it weekly, and wrapping it nightly. The most difficult part is the time required to straighten my hair, especially in humid spring and summer weather. The humidity makes me think about relaxing my natural hair once again.

Understanding your hair is important in determining the best treatment for it.

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Whether you decide to relax or straighten your hair, embracing its natural state can significantly enhance its overall health. Ultimately, prioritize your own satisfaction and choose what feels right for you!

It is advisable to keep your hair natural, as I was once told: "If you can't use it while pregnant, then it's not healthy." Relaxing hair with harsh chemicals is not recommended during pregnancy. Women who usually use relaxers often complain about dry and unmanageable hair.

Using the right natural hair products, such as Cantu and Shea Butter, can help make your hair more manageable. For those with dry hair, it may be due to damage from relaxers, and avoiding further processing can help restore moisture. Some natural women criticize those who choose to relax their hair for straying from their African roots, while those who opt for relaxers feel attacked by naturals for their choice. The benefits of natural hair include retaining natural oils and less breakage when dyeing the hair.

Barret (101) explains that there are various reasons why people choose to get their hair relaxed, despite the risks associated with this process. The use of harsh chemicals over time can result in hair damage, as shown in the movie "Good Hair" where a scientist uses an active ingredient in relaxers to melt an aluminum can. The Hair Care Suite cautions that relaxers can permanently change the pH balance and chemical composition of hair, leading to weakened strands and common issues like hair breakage and scalp irritation. Additionally, mixing chemicals in relaxed hair, such as chlorine from pools, can cause further damage. In summary, the damaging effects of relaxers on hair are often underestimated.

Both natural hair and relaxed hair require careful maintenance, with the key difference being the type of conditioning needed. Natural hair needs regular moisture, while relaxed hair benefits from deep hydration. Dana's Loft offers a range of highly moisturizing products. Chemical treatments can be damaging to various parts of the body, including the scalp. It is important to handle these chemicals with care to avoid burns and skin irritation, especially on the scalp. Be sure to protect your eyes from exposure to these chemicals to prevent any accidents.

When applying a relaxer, it is crucial to grease your entire head beforehand. Straightening my hair with a relaxer used to take me a few hours every week. If I didn't feel like doing that, I could simply put it in a ponytail or bun. Now that I no longer use a relaxer, I don't have that convenience anymore. My hair would be long enough for a ponytail by now if it was straightened, but my thick and kinky texture causes it to shrink up too much for that look yet. To create a quick style, I could wash my hair, apply some product, and let it air-dry, but I dislike wearing my hair that way. Instead, I prefer styling my hair in twists, twist-outs, and Bantu knots even though these styles require significant time and effort.

Although I have a deep affection for my natural hair, I made the decision to relax it for several reasons. The primary motivation was a simple craving for something different; after spending months considering and trying out different hairstyles, I discovered that I favored the convenience and adaptability of relaxed hair. I appreciated how easily I could style it and the polished appearance it provided me with. Even though my time with relaxed hair may have been short-lived, there is a possibility that in the future, I will long for my natural hair again and opt to go back to it.

Despite the widespread debate between being relaxed versus natural, it is important for individuals to make choices based on what is best for them without facing criticism. There are various reasons to embrace either natural or relaxed hair styles, and the decision ultimately depends on the individual. With the availability of "healthier relaxers" such as Organix, Olive Oil, and African Pride brands, individuals have more options to choose from. The most important thing is to love oneself and one's hair, while projecting confidence, regardless of what others may think. Initially fearful of judgment when considering going natural, the individual now prioritizes self-love and is content with their choice to embrace their natural hair, with no desire to return to hair relaxers.

Since switching to natural hair, my hair has become healthier, stronger, and longer. Despite the challenges, the benefits of being natural far surpass the drawbacks for me. I have grown to love my hair even though styling it can be difficult. The most challenging part of the process is letting go of concerns about others' opinions. However, as long as you have self-love, confidence in yourself and your hair, others' opinions become irrelevant. Initially, I was worried about what others would think when I was considering going natural. Now, I don't care because I adore my natural hair and would never go back to using hair relaxers.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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The Debate Between Natural and Relaxed Hair: A Personal Journey essay
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