450 Word Essay Examples

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Reasons Why Germany Lost the First World War
...Another reason Germany lost the First World War is because the United States joined. The United States entered WW1 for a few reasons. The main reason is Germany the reintroduction of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. Another reason is, the Lusitania ge...
What is Climate Change?
...Ecosystems are also affected by climate change. Habitats are being modified, the timing of events such as flowering and egg laying are shifting, and species are altering their home ranges.References...
Classification of Instrument Which Are Used in Sri Lankan Schools
...School Cadet Band participated in numerous events, including the Carol Service, Annual Award Distribution, and Annual Inter House Sports Meet. The Band engaged in the Ranaviru Day in addition to the College functions. The school’s Sri Lankan Cadet ...
My Mom – A Person Who Inspires Me
...Everything that my mom has ever done for me has been overshadowed by the thought behind it. In conclusion, while the raw experiences we encountered daily were a bit of a struggle, I have learned to truly value them by watching my mom. My mother is no...
Why Music, Culture, Religion and Communication are Important for Me?
...As a third culture child raised in Oman by Indian parents, I have been influenced by both Omani and Indian traditions from a very young age. Naturally, I am proud to have both these traditions embedded in me. I wish to partake in sharing these tradit...
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