Song "Changes" by Tupac Shakur


Changes by Tupac Shakur is a song about racism. Tupac talks about his childhood and the difficulties that he and the black community have experienced. Tupac is showing the world how they are being treated and that this could be the same in other countries that have people of colour.

1st response

I feel disheartened because of how the black community has been mistreated. They would be accused of having drugs or guns on them even if they were just standing on the street doing nothing.

I feel this way because in the song Tupac had said that they have been physically and emotionally abused. For example, 'cops give a damn about a negro. 'Pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero''. Shooting unarmed people is not a hero, it is actually being a coward because there are a lot of ways you can solve problems, but because that person is black, it doesn't matter. I hope that other communities support each other and make sure that they are all safe because I think it is about sticking together.

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Response 2

I think that Tupac is a role model because his songs made an influence on people. Tupac is a famous person that everyone knows and he has used his status to talk about real-life problems such as racism and discrimination to his black community. 'I see no changes, all I see is racist faces'. Tupac is showing the world real issues that people are not talking enough about.

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People look up to famous people and when someone like Tupac talks about something, people listen. Racism is a real issue and so I am proud that Tupac talked about it. I think that other famous people should talk about things that are going on in this world and hurting us all. I think this will encourage their fans to stand up against all those issues. We all need to speak up and show that we care for each other.


I think that a connection between this song and the world is the theme of racism or social injustice. Tupac is talking about how the black community in the USA is being treated with no respect. This happens everywhere around the world. In my country, the native people are being judged because they are brown. People think that all Maori people are in a gang and that they steal. I have friends that are Maori and they aren't in a gang or do they steal. Society should start to accept everyone for who they are and not judge someone from the colour of their skin. We all come from different places, but it is good to learn about the different cultures there are and be happy about it.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Song "Changes" by Tupac Shakur essay
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