Slavery And Freedom Essay Examples

Slavery And Freedom - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

As pressure built for the Abolitionist cause, Christians in the Antebellum South were forced to take a moral stand for or against slavery. The arguments made by William Buck and James Pendleton provide a snapshot into the debate that eventually boiled over into civil war. This paper will argue that Buck and Pendleton reached divergent conclusions about the morality of slavery because they began with conflicting presuppositions about the nature of the debate and handled the context of Scripture differently. This will be accomplished by looking at the arguments of each man related to slavery’s effect on the holiness and happiness of men, its treatment in the Bible, and the significance of abuse in the American system. The paper will conclude by comparing Buck and Pendleton’s presuppositions and their handling of biblical context. The controversial subject of historical slavery is discussed in many slavery essays and research papers.

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