1300 Word Essay Examples

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How I became literate in my lifetime?
...All the instructions I have read, all the words I learned how to pronounce, I did it on my own through reading. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember seeing my father ever read a book, and my mom didn’t start reading until after she went bac...
What Impact Have Digital Technologies Had on the Graphic Design Industry?
...Through electronic communication only one designer is required to brief a potential client. This was not the case before when many designers would be required for just a single presentation. On the other hand, technology has had a negative impact on ...
What if the telephone was never invented?
...The telephone was the first initial communication to allow us to maintain relationships over long distances. Because of this technological discovery, our society and the world changed. Anywhere you go, you will always see people talking on their pho...
Why College Students in Metro Manila Take Up Part-Time Jobs?
...19. Stress- A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular t...
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