Dream Essay Examples

Dream - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. People dream numerous times every night in the stage of sleep called REM sleep. There are four main stages of sleep, the first three being NREM sleep. In NREM sleep stage one, one may experience a sensation known as hypnagogic hallucinations, where one may hear their name called or feel as though they are falling, then wake up. This period lasts around five to ten minutes. In NREM sleep stage two, one’s body temperature drops, and breathing and heart rate become regular. Stage two lasts for approximately twenty minutes. In the last stage of NREM sleep, stage three, muscles relax and the body goes into its deepest sleep. Studies show that sleepwalking and bedwetting occur during this stage. The body becomes less responsive to its environment and falls into REM sleep or the dream stage.

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