Jewish Philosopher Martin Buber says that An animal's eyes have

Jewish Philosopher Martin Buber says that "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."

Animals, who are the most exposed to violence by humans and that cannot speak like human beings, try to tell something with their eyes, have the characteristics of humankind, such as humor, talking, mourning, holding a grudge, and empathy, except for the thinking skill that belongs to mankind. In these animals, cats, and dogs, that we call street animals, who were domesticated by humankind, came together with people to where people are.

Human beings have started to take these animals to their homes.

Nowadays, we live together lots of pets from cats to dogs, from budgies to hamsters in our houses and the most popular of these pets are cats and dogs, can become the ideal life partner of a family. These creatures are capable to build a relationship with a baby inside and outside of the house. This relationship makes it easier for the baby to accept that a living creature that is unlike him is part of nature.

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Of course, at this stage, thanks to the right attitudes of baby's parent; a baby, realizes that animals are able to feel sad and rejoice, love and devotion as people, and he achieves make them a part of his life.

It gets harder to be indifferent to a cat constantly meowing, a dog barking lovely and following his owner or a bird singing. Especially, thinking that a newborn baby perceives these sounds in a different way than we perceived, it would not be false to say that babies are able to make a friend since their birth.

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Positive behaviors of pets, and communications including love help baby to get over being introverted later in his life and growing more responsible contrast to other babies and the children in terms of mental and physical who don't grow up with an animal.

Development of baby is directly proportionate to caring and nutrition of the mother. Development process takes about 24 months. In the first month, baby needs predominantly breast milk, since it contains all the nutrients necessary for the development of the baby, and it immunizes baby against infectious diseases. In this month, a baby is very sensitive in terms of hearing, digestive system, sleep pattern. The baby, who has a low vision yet is very sensitive to the sounds around him, can sleep 2 times more than completely development person in terms of sleep. After this month, the baby starts to make conscious movements and the sleep pattern returns to normal, he hears the sounds around him and starts to have not difficulty seeing the objects. The baby, who can express his feelings through conscious movements, starts to get his feet up. Also, you will able to hear your baby's first word with his new tooth.

Animals that have a short growth period compared to babies need their mothers just like babies. Especially, for dogs and cats this period can be shorter, they complete their development about 4-6 months. Firstly, their features that resemble babies are not limited to mother. A baby who needs to build up the immune system against diseases requires constant breast milk and spend most of his time sleep and feeding. Other than that, since their visual and hearing sensations are poor when they are born, so they can find their mothers just by sniffing. Within 2 weeks from the moment of birth, a baby who starts able to see learns to walk and drink water. Baby begins to barking or meowing and to play with his brothers between in 3-5 weeks and he is gradually weaned. Therefore, after weaning, the only thing it's needed to do for mother prevent biting his brothers. Babies who completed their development acquire their social behaviors. In terms of social behaviors animals and babies share similarities such as trying to know the environment, needing the mother to feel safe, and social intelligence, they both like to show their skills that learned within the development process.

A study by Science Advance has found that a genetic change indicates a direct link between social behavior in both dogs and humans. Another study by psychologists and behavioral scientist states that the love of animals creates miracles and developments in children. According to experts "Love of animals has enormous effects in preventing discrimination and violence among children; The children, who look after their pets, are more sensitive to the needs and feelings of their friends, and as a child with a sense of empathy, one step ahead in life begins. The child's love for animals and their love, taking responsibility for their care supports the development of the child in many areas such as social, emotional, mental and physical development and gaining skills in areas that are weak are also important contributions." In a social setting, if there are pets, children are more talkative and more open to communication with each other. It is one of the most entertaining jobs for the child to tell the child feeding with her. On this occasion, the child who develops speaking skills and vocabulary also makes it easier to make friends and socialize. This makes it difficult for children to be sick. The subject of the disease has explained in research conducted at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland. Between 1996 and 2004, 3143 children who were born from pet-owner families have compared with their children. According to this, it is revealed that children who have grown up with pets like cats and dogs until 1-year-old are healthier than children who have not grown up with pets. A running cat or a running dog the child, a child can't help himself without running when he together with a pet and this makes the child's body healthy physically. All these mental and physical benefits are based on communication with dogs.

Like Martin Buber said, "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."

Actually, we are able to understand what they say with their eyes. Research shows that eye contacting and caressing with the dog stimulates a process similar to that of oxytocin in the human brain and that the same thing happens for the dog. This relationship is the same as between parents and their babies. In this study, researchers who use the feeling of fear to tell the relationship, when dogs are scared or uneasy, run to their owners. Giving the example of young children who are under stress take shelter from their parents and they both doing running movements with their eyes, before starting to running they looking for their mother or owner. The other animal is the cat, in general, most of the people describe them as an ungrateful yet has denied that thanks to scientists who are Moriah Galvan and Jennifer Vonk from Oakland University, Michigan, USA, have researched cats. The result of Galvan and Vonk shows that cats are more compatible with human emotion than human thought. Compared to cats and dogs, we cannot say that the relationship between cats and people is as good as dogs. However, cats have contributed a lot to people mentally and physically. Animals can also make different sounds in different situations like humans. One of these sounds, the purring of cats, purr decreases the stress and anxiety that are important issues in the modern world. The relaxing effect of cat purring is thanks to the fact that there is a continuous purring in low frequency. Cats and dogs are two distinct species. These species are the most popular pets since they compare in general. By their nature, they are different from each other as both behavior and to fit into society. Nevertheless, it doesn't end up by counting the benefits of these pets to the babies and children.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Jewish Philosopher Martin Buber says that An animal's eyes have essay
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