Culture Essay Examples

Culture - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Culture refers to a way of life that members of a given group or society identify within a given time (Baldwin, J. R., Faulkner, S. L., & Hecht, M. L., 2006). The culture of a given group of people manifests in various aspects of social life which include the shared values, beliefs, behavior patterns, and customs that define their day-to-day interactions. It comprises accumulated knowledge and developed habits from past experiences that shape social relations of people coexisting in a particular place and period. A society develops various symbols and signs to represent their cultural features as a way of preservation and ensuring continuity to future generations (Aggleton & Parker, 2002). Culture is passed from one generation to the next mainly through oral communication and imitation. Culture shapes an individual’s perception of different aspects of social life such as interpersonal relations, communication, self-identity, spirituality among others. However, culture changes over time with changing experiences, interactions with others, and emerging insights that may contradict past convictions about certain issues.

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