Diversity and Ethics in the Workplace

Employment Discrimination is and has been one of the most common forms of repression in different societies and cultures in all times

Global and cultural diversity are the biggest and most important challenges that organizations face in nowadays. The diversity of the workforce means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnic origin, for health, occupation, etc. Diversity is an advantage in this global world, and it cannot be considered as a disadvantage in obtaining opportunities (McGuire & Mammed, 2010).

The most common policies by companies to demonstrate their commitment to diversity is increasing and perform actions on gender equality within its staff or hire a stranger or person of another race.

I personally think this is not really value and encourages diversity, I think is a very superficial and incomplete approach. A clear example is the Income comparisons that show large inequalities based on gender, many statistics around the word shows that women earn only a part of what men earn; earnings discrepancies appear as soon as men and women leave school to confront the labor market.

According with the U. S Department of Labor female workers during 2010 made only 81. 2% of what male workers were paid (Aamodt, 2013). Human resources are very important in every business, so professionals in charge of recruitment should develop techniques and strategies that are non-discriminatory starting in the selection methods of personal recruitment. The recruitment policy should not discard socially responsible candidates for personal, family, or aesthetic appearance, but to assess and evaluate their skills, abilities and possibilities of developing well in the position they are applying.

A company needs to ensure that discrimination and stereotyping plays no part in the recruitment and selection process.

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Diversity takes a wider and more positive outlook. A positive approach to diversity allows us to select the best person for the job based on merit alone and not from bias based in factors such as age, disability, gender or race that are not relevant to the person’s ability to do the job.

The process of selection of personal should always be based on competencies on the abilities of the person, and it should apply equal treatment based on respect for diversity and equality staff selection formed in diversity (Schneider & Northcraft, 1999). The importance of social responsibility Handling ethical dilemmas as discrimination and making ethical decisions about that are important parts of being a professional.

In the practice of the career, it is up to the professional to adhere to high principles of ethical conduct on behalf of the society, but as professionals, the decisions that we made will have a direct effect on society as therefore it is important that a high ethical standard be maintained in our careers (Buono, 2002). Every individual may have a different ethical outlook due to their surrounding and life experience but as professional we should always be aware of the effect our actions may not only have on our colleagues or organizations but also on our communities.

The value and ethical standards that a professional adopts are long-term assets in life. As individual we should act in a manner which will help society even if the law does not command it. The social inclusion must be a social goal to be achieved, in which professional must actively collaborate and work with other social actors to make societies more just and where diversity is an advantage. Conclusion Having diversity in the workforce can achieve a better understanding of the very diversity of customers that all organizations have, which clearly can maximizes relationships and business opportunities . Read how can diversity benefit society

Also, improve human relations at work and create better organizational climate. The concept of diversity means understanding, respect and value all people with their differences, including the characteristics that make each of us unique individuals. To be committed to diversity consist in not discriminate people, because of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or social background; is to allow each individual to give the best of himself/herself contributing with his/her knowledge, energy, and talent to the goals of the organization. Workplaces can benefit from the mix of cultures, traditions, and experiences.

People of a different ethnic background bring new energy and vitality to the workplace. Diversity allows people who do not naturally see the world in the same way to learn to work with each other, solve problems together, and work together for success (McGuire & Mammed, 2010). We also need to understand gender differences in the workplace because gender may define certain attitudes, behavior, and thinking. Both men and women are equally capable in the work force. We must show respect for each gender’s different approaches and views because doing so will be beneficial to everyone success.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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