Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon Why does Athena help Odysseus so much?
Category: Literature Views 491
answer icon Athena helps Odysseus because she is his patron goddess and has a special fondness for him.
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question icon What happens to Caliban at the end of the play?
Category: Literature Views 430
answer icon Caliban is left on the island with his fate unresolved at the end of the play.
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question icon At the end of Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night together why does Juliet first deny that it is day and then change her mind?
Category: Literature Views 504
answer icon Juliet first denies that it is day because she wants to prolong her time with Romeo, but then changes her mind when she realizes the danger of the situation and the need for Romeo to flee before he is caught.
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question icon Why is Hamlet so cruel to Ophelia?
Category: Literature Views 317
answer icon Hamlet is not intentionally cruel to Ophelia; his behavior towards her is a result of his inner turmoil and madness.
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question icon Who is Ariel and why does he work for Prospero?
Category: Literature Views 281
answer icon Ariel is a spirit and he works for Prospero because he owes him a favor for setting him free from a tree.
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question icon Why does Antonio agree to Shylock’s terms for the loan?
Category: Literature Views 574
answer icon Antonio agrees to Shylock's terms for the loan because he needs the money urgently and has no other option.
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question icon Why is Animal Farm an allegory?
Category: Literature Views 327
answer icon Animal Farm is an allegory because it uses animals as characters to represent real-life events and people in Soviet history.
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question icon Why must Jonas take pills?
Category: Literature Views 285
answer icon Jonas must take pills because they suppress his Stirrings, which are the physical manifestations of sexual desires.
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question icon Why does Amir want Hassan to hit him with pomegranates?
Category: Literature Views 298
answer icon Amir wants Hassan to hit him with pomegranates to relieve his guilt and earn his forgiveness.
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question icon Why does Amir want Hassan to leave Baba’s household?
Category: Literature Views 322
answer icon Amir wants Hassan to leave Baba's household because of his jealousy towards Hassan and the guilt he carries for betraying him.
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question icon Why do Amir and Baba go to America?
Category: Literature Views 343
answer icon Amir and Baba go to America to escape the war in Afghanistan and start a new life.
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question icon Why does Amir accept Soraya even after she tells him of her past?
Category: Literature Views 331
answer icon Amir accepts Soraya because he loves her and knows that people can change and deserve second chances.
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question icon What are Ali and Hassan’s distinct physical characteristics?
Category: Literature Views 281
answer icon Ali and Hassan both have physical deformities.
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question icon After she returns to Eatonville how does Janie let people know what has happened to her in her absence?
Category: Literature Views 431
answer icon Janie lets people know what has happened to her in her absence by telling her friend Pheoby the story of her journey and experiences with Tea Cake. Pheoby spreads the word and soon the town is buzzing with gossip about Janie's adventures.
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question icon Who are Estella’s parents?
Category: Literature Views 269
answer icon A maidservant Molly and Abel Magwitch.
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question icon What is revealed about the characters after Elizabeth rejects Mr Collins’s proposal?
Category: Literature Views 278
answer icon After Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collins's proposal, it is revealed that she values intelligence and compatibility in a partner, while Mr Collins is more concerned with social status and financial security. It also shows that Elizabeth is willing to stand up for her own beliefs and desires, rather than conforming to societal expectations.
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question icon What does Hester do after Dimmesdale’s death?
Category: Literature Views 262
answer icon Hester leaves Boston and moves to Europe with Pearl.
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question icon What causes Gretta’s strange mood at the end of “The Dead”?
Category: Literature Views 290
answer icon Gretta's strange mood at the end of The Dead" is caused by the revelation of her past love and loss of a young boy named Michael Furey.
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question icon Why does Holden run away from Pencey?
Category: Literature Views 305
answer icon Holden runs away from Pencey because he is overwhelmed by feelings of disillusionment, alienation, and loneliness.
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question icon What is Adèle’s connection to Mr Rochester?
Category: Literature Views 463
answer icon Adèle is Mr Rochester's ward, whom he adopted while living in France.
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question icon Why does Achilles finally rejoin the battle?
Category: Literature Views 423
answer icon Achilles rejoins the battle to avenge the death of his friend Patroclus.
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question icon What dreams and plans does Jim have for his future once he successfully escapes from slavery?
Category: Literature Views 235
answer icon He wants to buy his wife and children out of slavery.
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question icon According to Mr Darcy what qualities make a woman “accomplished”?
Category: Literature Views 528
answer icon According to Mr. Darcy, a woman's accomplishments should include intelligence, elegance, good manners, and a deep knowledge of music, arts, and literature. Additionally, he believes that a woman should have a refined taste, an excellent education, and a charming personality to be considered accomplished.
star star star star star 3 (2)
question icon Where does Jonas volunteer?
Category: Literature Views 257
answer icon Jonas volunteers at the House of the Old.
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question icon What is a Handmaid?
Category: Literature Views 203
answer icon A Handmaid is a woman in the dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale, who is forced to bear children for infertile couples in a totalitarian regime.
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