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What happens to Caliban at the end of the play?

Category: Literature

At the end of William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest," Caliban, the native inhabitant of the island where the play takes place, is left on the island along with a few other characters. Caliban's fate is somewhat ambiguous at the end of the play, leaving much to interpretation and speculation. One school of thought is that Caliban remains on the island, essentially alone and abandoned. This interpretation is supported by the fact that all of the other characters, including Prospero, leave the island and return to their respective homes, leaving Caliban behind. Additionally, Caliban's fate is never specifically addressed or resolved, suggesting that he remains on the island, perhaps to continue living in harmony with its natural beauty.

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What happens to Caliban at the end of the play?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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