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What happens to Ariel at the end of the play?

Category: Literature

In the renowned play, "The Tempest," written by the illustrious playwright William Shakespeare, Ariel is a prominent character who serves as Prospero's (the protagonist's) loyal spirit. Throughout the play, Ariel is tasked with many duties, including guiding the other characters on the island, executing Prospero's commands, and eventually even aiding in the reconciliation of characters who were once at odds. As the play progresses, the audience gains insight into Ariel's character, abilities, and desires. Though he dutifully carries out the commands of his master, Ariel longs for his freedom and release from Prospero's service. Despite this desire, he continues to serve Prospero until finally, near the end of the play, he is granted his freedom.

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What happens to Ariel at the end of the play?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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