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What causes Gretta’s strange mood at the end of “The Dead”?

Category: Literature

After analyzing the text of "The Dead" by James Joyce, it is clear that Gretta's strange mood at the end of the story is caused by the resurfacing of memories of her past lover, Michael Furey. This sudden remembrance of a past love ignites a flood of emotions within Gretta, leading to her melancholy and distant demeanor.The intricate use of motifs and symbols in the story provide insight into the cause of Gretta's emotional upheaval. Throughout the story, snow is used as a symbol for death and loss. The arrival of snow at the end of the story coincides with Gretta's realization of the impact of her past love, Michael Furey, on her life.

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What causes Gretta’s strange mood at the end of “The Dead”?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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