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At the end of Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night together why does Juliet first deny that it is day and then change her mind?

Category: Literature

At the end of Romeo and Juliet's wedding night together, Juliet first denies that it is day when the lark sings to signal the morning. This is because she dreads the thought of having to part with Romeo, whom she has just consummated her marriage with. Juliet's love for Romeo is so intense that she wishes to freeze the moment and stay with him forever. She knows that dawn heralds the arrival of the day and that Romeo must leave her to avoid capture and death.Juliet's initial denial that it is day is a testament to her desperation to cling on to her happiness with Romeo. She is willing to deny reality for a little while longer as it is unbearable for her to contemplate that she might lose Romeo soon.

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At the end of Romeo and Juliet’s wedding night together why does Juliet first deny that it is day and then change her mind?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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