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Why does Lizzy reject Darcy’s first proposal to her?

Category: Literature

From a literary standpoint, Lizzy’s rejection of Darcy’s first proposal in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, it is important to note the social and cultural context in which the novel is set. Lizzy belongs to the middle-class family of the Bennets, and Darcy is a wealthy landowner from a higher social class. The class difference between the two characters is a significant factor in their relationship, and Lizzy is acutely aware of the potential challenges that come with marrying someone from a higher social class. Specifically, she fears that she would be seen as unworthy of Darcy due to her lower social status, and this would hamper their relationship.

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Why does Lizzy reject Darcy’s first proposal to her?. (2023, Jun 08). Retrieved from

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