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Why does Mitch reject Blanche?

Category: Literature

In Tennessee Williams' play "A Streetcar Named Desire," the character of Mitch rejects Blanche primarily due to her deceptive behavior and the revelation of her troubled past. Williams' nuanced characterization of Mitch and Blanche provides insight into the existential questions of desire, identity, and authenticity. To begin with, Mitch initially shows interest in Blanche and the two characters share a romantic connection. However, as the play progresses, Mitch discovers that Blanche has been living under a false persona, she has not been truthful about her past, and she has been engaging in promiscuous relationships in order to cope with trauma. These revelations shock and disappoint Mitch, and he ultimately rejects Blanche. Furthermore, Mitch reveals that he values honesty and authenticity in his relationships.

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Why does Mitch reject Blanche?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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