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Why does Darcy dislike Wickham?

Category: Literature

In Jane Austen's literary classic, Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, one of the lead characters, harbors a noticeable animosity towards Mr. George Wickham, a former acquaintance. The reasons for Darcy's aversion towards Wickham could be attributed to various factors involving social class, personal and familial history, reputations, and power dynamics.To begin with, social class plays a significant role in Darcy's dislike for Wickham. Darcy belongs to the landed aristocracy, the elite class of English society, while Wickham, who was initially trained in the church, is from a lower social class. Darcy's position instills a sense of superiority and entitlement, why Wickham iss not a reliable kind of man.

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Why does Darcy dislike Wickham?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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