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Why do Sir Toby Sir Andrew and Maria dislike Malvolio?

Category: Literature

Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Maria's dislike for Malvolio stems from his pompous and self-righteous behavior. In the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, Malvolio is a steward in the household of Olivia, a wealthy and Countess. Malvolio's constant flaunting of his status and arrogant attitude make him an easy target for ridicule and disdain. Sir Toby Belch, Olivia's uncle, particularly despises Malvolio's lack of humor and his determination to spoil the festive spirit in the household. Sir Toby's jovial nature serves as a stark contrast to Malvolio's uptight and authoritarian disposition, further increasing the animosity between the two men.

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Why do Sir Toby Sir Andrew and Maria dislike Malvolio?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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