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Why does Feste wear a disguise to speak to Malvolio when he is imprisoned?

Category: Literature

Feste wears a disguise to speak to Malvolio when he is imprisoned in order to engage in a playful and manipulative game with him. As a fool and a jester, Feste thrives on the art of deception and revels in the opportunity to expose the absurdity of social hierarchies. By donning a disguise, Feste assumes a different persona, allowing him to interact with Malvolio incognito and wield his wit and mockery with greater impact. This subterfuge not only adds an element of entertainment to the scene but also serves as a vehicle for Feste to challenge societal norms and expose the hypocrisy and folly of those in power.

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Why does Feste wear a disguise to speak to Malvolio when he is imprisoned?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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