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What is the significance of Malvolio wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings?

Category: Literature

In Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night," the significance of Malvolio wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings lies in its symbolic representation of his absurdity, self-importance, and delusions of grandeur. The choice of yellow, a color associated with cowardice and deception during the Elizabethan era, serves to emphasize Malvolio's foolishness and misguided pursuit of social advancement. The cross-gartered stockings themselves were considered a fashion faux pas and were typically worn by clowns or comedic characters. By donning this ridiculous attire, Malvolio becomes a figure of mockery and a source of comic relief, highlighting the themes of mistaken identity and the disruption of social norms within the play. Additionally, his insistence on wearing the stockings despite ridicule underscores his vulnerability to manipulation by others, ultimately leading to his downfall and serving as a cautionary tale about the perils of unchecked ambition.

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What is the significance of Malvolio wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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