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Why does King Lear change his mind about Cordelia?

Category: Literature

King Lear is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, known for its complex characters and intricate plot. One of the central characters, King Lear, begins the play as a proud and powerful ruler, but as events unfold, he becomes increasingly unstable and erratic. This journey leads him to make a drastic decision that ultimately results in the disastrous outcome of the play. The decision in question is his changing of his mind about his youngest daughter, Cordelia. King Lear changes his mind about Cordelia because he realizes the depth of her love and loyalty towards him, which he initially failed to recognize and appreciate. In the beginning, Lear is swayed by flattery from his other daughters and misinterprets Cordelia's honest and heartfelt response as a lack of affection. However, as the play progresses and Lear faces the consequences of his rash actions, he comes to understand Cordelia's true nature and recognizes the purity of her love, leading to his eventual change of heart and deep regret for his earlier mistreatment of her.

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Why does King Lear change his mind about Cordelia?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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