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What is Cordelia’s response to King Lear’s love test?

Category: Literature

Cordelia, King Lear's youngest daughter, responds to his love test with unwavering honesty and integrity. In the famous scene, when asked how much she loves him, Cordelia refuses to indulge in empty flattery and instead speaks from the depths of her heart. She admits that her love for him is bound by duty and natural affection, without resorting to exaggerated declarations like her sisters Goneril and Regan. Cordelia's sincere response, though initially misunderstood and unappreciated by Lear, reveals her authenticity and her unwillingness to play along with manipulative games. Her refusal to pander to her father's ego ultimately leads to her banishment, but it also highlights her moral strength and becomes a defining moment in the play.

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What is Cordelia’s response to King Lear’s love test?. (2023, Jul 01). Retrieved from

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