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Why does Lear banish Cordelia?

Category: Literature

In King Lear play, King Lear banishes Cordelia, his youngest daughter, due to her refusal to flatter him with extravagant declarations of love during a public display of affection. When asked by Lear how much she loves him, Cordelia responds honestly, stating that she loves him according to her bond as a daughter. Unwilling to indulge in the false flattery of her sisters, Goneril and Regan, Cordelia's sincerity is misinterpreted by Lear as a lack of love, causing him to react impulsively and irrationally. Blinded by his ego and vulnerability, Lear perceives Cordelia's honest response as a betrayal, leading him to disown and banish her from his kingdom, ultimately setting in motion a tragic chain of events.

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Why does Lear banish Cordelia?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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