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Why is Hamlet so cruel to Ophelia?

Category: Literature

As a classic play in Western canon, Hamlet by William Shakespeare has perplexed scholars and audiences alike for centuries. One of the most puzzling aspects of the play is the cruel treatment of Ophelia by Hamlet, which has engendered a plethora of interpretations and debates. From a literature scientist perspective, there are multiple factors that could shed light on why Hamlet acted in such a way towards Ophelia, including his psychological state, his relationship with his mother, his perception of women, and his obsession with revenge. Firstly, Hamlet’s psychological state could explain his erratic behavior towards Ophelia. Throughout the play, Hamlet exhibits symptoms of mental instability, such as hallucinations, soliloquies, and erratic behaviour.

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Why is Hamlet so cruel to Ophelia?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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