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Why does Ophelia go mad?

Category: Literature

In literary analysis, the character of Ophelia from William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" has been the subject of much speculation and debate regarding the reasons behind her descent into madness. While there are multiple factors that may have contributed to Ophelia's madness, including her relationship with Hamlet and the death of her father, the most significant contributing factor is the societal restrictions and expectations placed upon women during the Renaissance period.Throughout the play, Ophelia is depicted as a dutiful daughter and obedient young woman, always following the directives of the men in her life. She is expected to behave in a certain way, to dress modestly, and to avoid any behavior that might be seen as inappropriate or unladylike. When Hamlet treats her harshly and accidentaly kills her father, it is too much of a burden for her fragile mind.

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Why does Ophelia go mad?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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