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Which Statement Best Explains Why Hamlet Alludes To Pyrrhus Throughout Act Ii, Scene Ii Of Hamlet?

Category: Literature

In Act II, Scene II of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," the main character alludes to Pyrrhus, the Greek king, several times in his soliloquy. The most likely reason for Hamlet's allusions to Pyrrhus is to draw a parallel between his own situation and that of Pyrrhus, as both are dealing with the consequences of their fathers' deaths and seeking revenge. Additionally, Hamlet may be using Pyrrhus as an example of someone who acted without hesitation or remorse, which contrasts with Hamlet's own hesitancy and moral struggles.

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Which Statement Best Explains Why Hamlet Alludes To Pyrrhus Throughout Act Ii, Scene Ii Of Hamlet?. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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