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Why does Amir accept Soraya even after she tells him of her past?

Category: Literature

Amir accepts Soraya even after she tells him of her past because he realizes that everyone has made mistakes in their lives and that it's important to forgive and move on. When Soraya tells Amir about her past, she expresses remorse for her actions and takes responsibility for them. She doesn't try to justify, defend or deny them. Amir also understands the cultural context in which Soraya grew up, where certain behaviors were not accepted, especially for women. He empathizes with Soraya, knowing that she was forced to carry the burden of her actions alone and that she must have gone through a lot of trauma and emotional turmoil. Furthermore, Amir realizes that everyone deserves to be loved and forgiven, regardless of their past mistakes.

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Why does Amir accept Soraya even after she tells him of her past?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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