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Why does Amir want Hassan to hit him with pomegranates?

Category: Literature

Amir's desire for Hassan to hit him with pomegranates is rooted in a deep sense of guilt and self-loathing. Throughout much of the novel, The Kite Runner, Amir struggles with his past mistakes and the betrayal he inflicted on Hassan, his childhood friend and servant. Amir's guilt stems from an incident in which he witnesses Hassan being sexually assaulted by Assef, a neighborhood bully. Instead of intervening and standing up for his friend, Amir chooses to run away and leave Hassan to face the assault alone.This betrayal haunts Amir over the years, and he feels that he can never make up for the wrong he has done.

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Why does Amir want Hassan to hit him with pomegranates?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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