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What is Adèle’s connection to Mr Rochester?

Category: Literature

Adèle is a young girl who is introduced in Charlotte Bronte's novel, Jane Eyre. She is the ward of Mr. Rochester, the owner of Thornfield Hall, where Jane Eyre is employed as a governess. Adèle's connection to Mr. Rochester is multifaceted and plays an important role in the novel. Firstly, Adèle's connection to Mr. Rochester is through her mother, Celine Varens. Celine was a former lover of Mr. Rochester and Adèle is suspected to be his illegitimate child. Mr. Rochester denies the paternity claim but still takes Adèle under his care and becomes her guardian. He acknowledges his responsibility towards her and provides for her upbringing and education.

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What is Adèle’s connection to Mr Rochester?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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