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Why did Mr Rochester marry Bertha Mason?

Category: Literature

In Jane Eyre novel, Mr. Rochester married Bertha Mason out of a combination of familial obligation and societal expectations. As the younger son of a wealthy family, Mr. Rochester was expected to marry for financial and social advantage. When he traveled to Jamaica, he encountered Bertha, a woman of Creole descent, and entered into a hasty marriage. However, he soon discovered that Bertha suffered from mental illness, which had been concealed from him by her family. Bound by the conventions of the time, he felt compelled to fulfill his marital vows and provide for Bertha's care, even though their union was devoid of love and happiness. Ultimately, his marriage to Bertha became a deeply regrettable and tragic mistake, leading to his confinement of her in Thornfield Hall's attic and influencing his subsequent relationships and choices in life.

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