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According to Mr Darcy what qualities make a woman “accomplished”?

Category: Literature

According to Mr. Darcy, an accomplished woman must possess a wide range of intellectual, practical, and social skills that are considered desirable in the context of early 19th century England. These skills include but are not limited to:1. Good Education: An accomplished woman must have a good education as Mr. Darcy believes that education is the foundation for all intellectual and practical skills.2. Poise and Grace: Mr. Darcy considered poise and grace as important qualities that reveal the lady's inherent refinement, elegance, and social decorum.3. Musical Talents: Good knowledge of music is considered a must-have" skill among accomplished women as it enhances the enjoyment of life and social gatherings in high society.4. Knowledge of art.

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According to Mr Darcy what qualities make a woman “accomplished”?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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